Business in Law

Issue №2 2013
Issue №2 2013
ISSN: 1816-921X (print)       ISSN 2310-7030 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-262 Prev Next
1. CIVIL LAW, HOUSING LAW, FAMILY LAW Modification of the early common law influenced by equity law in England Krivenko Olga A. THE SOCIAL-DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE OF RUSSIAN SOCIETY AND DISABLED PERSONS: RESULTS OF INVESTIGATIONS Chernyshov Michael Yu. A satisfaction for injury caused by the defects in goods according English and Russian Law Natalia V. Ivanovskaya Citizens' right to a name and choice of residence in terms of modernization of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation Bodrov Roman I. System Concept of legal status of a person Nekazakov Vladimir Yakovlevich Ensuring balance of private and public interests in the Russian civil-legal model of counteraction to antisocial transactions Kamenshchikov Alexander Vasilyevich 2. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings Development of the domestic criminal legislation about responsibility for encroachments on military property till 1917 Kamayev R. R. Fight against gamblings in Russia in the XVII century Tsakoyev Arthur Akhsarbekovich Понятие «объединения государств»: теоретико-методологический аспект Hachirova Diana Krimovna State discipline: concept, signs, means of ensuring Alkhazov Ivan 2. Criminal law and criminology; Criminal enforcement law Юбилей Владимира Сергеевича Комиссарова 3. SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE, PROFESSOR KOMISSAROV V.S. About the need to introduce criminal liability for receiving illegal remuneration of the employee, who is not the official Bukalerova Liudmila A. CRIMES AGAINST THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF MAN AND CITIZEN IN THE CRIMINAL CODE OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE CRIMINAL LAW OF GERMANY: THE CRITERIA OF CRIMINALIZATION Anna V. Serebrennikova Some aspects of economic security the circulation of the earth by means of criminal law Pleshkov Maksim Alekseevich PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ABOUT CRIMES AGAINST HONOUR AND DIGNITY IN CRIMINAL LAW OF JAPAN Koroleva Maria Michailovna The subjective aspect ofcomputer crime Stepanov-Egiyants Vladimir G. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS VIOLATIONSAN OVERVIEW Tupanceski Nikola About value of the appeal to history of formation of the doctrine about object of a crime for modern research of object of a crime Drozhzhina Elena Alexeevna 4. Criminal law and criminology; Criminal enforcement law ON PREVENTION OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND THE PREVENTIVE VALUE PUNISH (ILLUSTRATED PENALTY ROBBERY) Rostokinskiy A. V. 5. LEGAL SUPPORT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITIES ECONOMIC AND LEGAL MECHANISMS TO SUPPORT THE EFFECTIVE FUNCTIONING OF SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS IN THE SPHERE OF SERVICES, IN THE CONTEXT OF THE ECONOMY OF NEW FORMATION Medvedev Alexander Ivanovich Medvedev Natalia Mihailovna Legal status of road service station at the conclusion and implementation of the contract of transportation of the passenger Kheygetova Svetlana E. PROBLEM ASPECTS OF THE STATE REGISTRATION OF LEGAL ENTITIES Panova Kristina Olegovna Tender procedures for contract’s executers selection in Russian PPP projects (on the example of long-term investment agreements) Polnikova Maria L. 6. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law PROBLEMS OF THE KAZAKHSTAN REPUBLIC LEGISLATION CONCERNING RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY AND RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATIONS Tarasevich Ivan Anatolievich Legal differences of a confederative state system from federation Azarov Sergey Olegovich 7. GAPS IN THE LAW, INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC LAW, INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW NEW TRENDS IN JAPAN AND RUSSIA CRIME Nikolay A. Morozov Compliance with the non-discrimination principle after joining the WTO by Russia Zalyalova Daliya F. BASIC LAW ENFORCEMENT TO COUNTERACT ILLEGAL MIGRATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Lyannoy Vladimir A. CRIME AS OBJECTIVE STRATEGIC ANALYSIS Asanov Nauazi Hyzyrovich To the question of the society-technical task of the organization of proof in pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases of theft committed in the form of fraud Solovyev Vasiliy Vladimirovich Features of public prosecutor's supervision of legality of activity local governments in Russia Boev Alexander A. THE INTEREST AS THE OBJECT OF ENSURING THE NATIONAL SECURITY OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE’S RESOURCES Panshin Valdimir Igorevich The PROBLEM OF INFORMATION MEASURES AIMED AT COUNTERING THE NATIONAL EXTREMISM Khugaev Edward Eldarovich 9. Employment Law; Right to social security SOCIAL LEGAL PROTECTION OF MINOR SUBJECTS OF FAMILY LEGAL RELATIONSHIP Ryzhova Natalia Vladimirovna Using a commercial designation in the economic circulation Kat Zara Ruslanovna 10. Administrative law; Administrative process, Information Law About NEED of INTRODUCTION For the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences of PROVISION ON OPPORTUNITY AND the ORDER of REVISION of the RESOLUTION ON THE CASE OF the ADMINISTRATIVE OFFENCE ON the NEW OR AGAIN OPENED CIRCUMSTANCES Gorb Sergey Vasilyevich Administrative and legal regulation of state control (supervision) in the field of protection, reproduction and use of fauna Saulin Maxim Border land (strip) in Ukraine: improvement of normative legal regulation Tsarenko Sergey Ivanovich 11. TAX AND CUSTOMS PROBLEMS, FINANCIAL LAW, BUDGET LAW The state of the system of government finance management Tkebuchava Yekaterina Ekaterina 12. OTHER The rule of law in the units of internal affairs bodies and their regulation Vasilyev Fedor P. Smirnov Andrey Vladimirovic 13. ECONOMICS AND NATIONAL ECONOMY MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, MANAGEMENT Problems of a strategic choice and competitiveness of the Russian economy Shcherbakov A.P. Home Appliances market specific features Volovikov S. A. Illarionova Svetlana A. The concept of management of production development in the conditions of uncertainty and risk Konstantin V. Baldin Competitive behavior of transnational corporations in the global markets Geraskin Dmitry V. FEATURES OF FORMATION OF COMPETITIVENESS OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION AS A SUBJECT OF EDUCATION SERVICES MARKET Zakharova E.N. Gisina O.G. COST EVALUATION OF THE INTEGRATED METALLURGICAL COMPANY COST UNDER UNCERTAINITY Estehina Irina Diversification as a tool for business development in conditions of market stagnation Makhnovskaya Ekaterina Volkov Ivan The impact of demographic and migration factors on the formation of regional labour market Terzi D. V. Experience of economically developed countries in the course of formation and labor market development Chekanov A.E. 14. FINANCE, CASH CIRCULATION AND CREDIT, ACCOUNTING AND ANALYSIS Influence of jurisprudence on indicators of work of tax authorities on collecting tax payments by results of tax control Grishchenko Alexey V. Alexandrov Alexander Recognition of the financial and non-financial assets in the transformation of national reporting in line with international standards Ponomareva Svetlana Vasilivna The characteristic of the independent external control. The increasing importance of audit in banking Sultanova Khadizhat Rasulovna Main problems of identification of receiving by taxpayers of unreasonable tax benefit Alexandrov Alexander The essence of the consolidated taxation by value added tax and its integration into a modern tax system of Russia Zibin Alexey Victorovich 15. INNOVATION AND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Stimulation of innovative activity of machine-building enterprises Mysachenko V. Staurin G. MANAGEMENT OF COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE BY MEANS OF THE INNOVATIVE OBJECTS OF INTELLEKTUALNRY PROPERTY INCLUDED IN PRODUCTION Ksenofontova T. Technique of selection of innovative projects to increase competitiveness of space-rocket industry Okatyev N.A. Analysis of the economic sanctions against participants of the investment project Makridenko Yevgeny L. 16. ECONOMIC SECURITY POLITICO-LEGAL ASPECTS OF ENSURING THE SECURITY OF NON-STATE ECONOMIC ENTITIES Morozov Igor Nikolaevich 17. WORLD AND REGIONAL ECONOMY Business role in strategy of development of economy of Montenegro Glukhovtsev Vsevolod E. Globalization and Russia Gavlovskaya Galina V. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOURIST INDUSTRY AND THE SHADOW ECONOMY (REGIONAL ASPECT) Chernov Sergey Borovaya Nadezda The development of the transport and logistics system in the Moscow region in 2013-2015 years Shoshinov Vladimir Vitalyevich Sapozhnikov Vladimir N. The Specific Character of the Czech Republic Participation in the European Monetary integration Process Yakovleva Maria Alexandrovna Industrial and production zones as instrument of development of the Russian economy Hachaturyan G. E.