Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №4 2015
Issue №4 2015
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-341 Prev Next
1. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law Parliamentary activities (the elements of the world experience and Russian practice) Eryemenko Ekaterina Valerievna Bulakov Oleg N. Constitutional and legal regime of restrictions on rights and freedoms of man and citizen: the concept and standard fastening Barbin Vyacheslav To a question of public administration by electoral process in the Russian Federation Chistoborodov I.G. THE VARIETY OF SPECIAL LEGAL THE PERSONALITY Tikhonov Dmitriy V. 2. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings About some problems of activity of the general police of the Urals and Siberia in the early twentieth century in the field of public security Petrov Alexandr Vasiljevich Roslov Pavel Dmitrievich Theoretical aspects and legal approaches to determination of legality Kozhevnikov Sergey N. The concept and the legal nature of the legal and law services Lenkovskaya Renata Romanovna Once more time to the question of the division of the law to private and public Khalafov Elchin Abuzyar ogly Funding of the RCP (b)-VKP (b) in the first half of the 1920s Dolgikh Fedor I. The review of the territorial integrity principle realization in the US Supreme Court's decisions Rudakova Ksenia R. ESPECIALLY THE SUBJECT COMPOSITION LEGAL LIABILITY Zamaletdinov Albert A. PUNISHMENT AS A TOOL IN SYSTEMATIC LEGAL LIABILITY: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS Zamaletdinov Albert A. PRACTICAL IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS INTERPRETATION OF LAWS Garnik Lyudmila Yurievna 3. CIVIL LAW; ENTREPRENEURIAL LAW; FAMILY LAW; INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW; Civil procedure arbitration procedure Changes in the material rights of the real estate property, taking into consideration the influence effect of the Concept development of civil legislation in the Russian Federation Khatuntsev Oleg Aleksandrovich Reform in the field of public procurement: first results and prospects Andreeva Liubov Vacilyevna Bankruptcy of town-forming organizations: legislation, doctrine, judge-made law Ershova Inna Vladimirovna The legal prerequisites for the development in modern Russia Juvenile Courts Bitkova Luydmila Alekseevna MODERN RUSSIAN ANTIQUE MARKET: STATIC, DYNAMIC, KEY PROBLEMS, SPECIFIC OF JURIDICAL REGULATION Kuzin Artemii Aleksandrovich On social entrepreneurship Buyanova Anastasia V. Enforcement of alimony and matters of its improvement Vanukhin Oleg V. SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT OF PILOT CONDUCTING Grigoryants Karina A. Specificity ads warning against performing extremist activity in the network «Internet» Bezsaliy Olesia Rashidovna REASONABLE TIME IN CIVIL PROCEEDINGS Rzhaksensky Stanislav On the question of the right to appeal to the court to declare the bankruptcy of certain categories of debtors Vlasenko Radmila N. Conflict of laws issues on regulation of unjust enrichment obligations under Russian law Dzhimbeeva Dayana Vladimirovna SOME ISSUES OF VICTIM IN CIVIL LAW Fargieva Asya 4. Employment Law; Right to social security; Land law; Natural resource law; Environmental law; The organization of medical care to prisoners the transported under guard waterway Petrenko Nikolay I. Domracheva Svetlana Leonidovna The object of violation of the usage rules of ecologically dangerous substances and waste Ivantsova Natalia Vladimirovna Tolstov P. V. Development of the notion of the labor legal personality of an employer - legal person (organization) in science of labor law Viktor T. Savin Problems of legal regulation of accessto environmental information Viktorov Dmitry Vladimirovich Some problems of legal regulation of the unemployment benefit in the legislation of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan (theoretical and legal aspect) Antonova Natalia Vladislavovna Employer responsibility for workers temporarily seconded by the employer to other private individuals or legal entities under secondment agreements Pshenichnikov Sergey Vitalievich The problem questions of jurisdiction disputes, which appear from the law of ecological relationships Mukhametov Artur K. 5. Criminal; Criminal enforcement law Law and Penal principles in foreign legislation: theory-based survey Alexander P. Kuznetsov The fight against pseudo-religious extremism in the North Caucasus Zaurbi L. Shkhagapsoev Nikolay P. Golyandin Problems ratio of criminal and administrative policy Lesnikov Gennady Yu. EUTHANASIA IN CRIMINAL LAW OF RUSSIA Sirik Marina Sergeevna The concept and criminological grounds of juvenile criminal policy Valuiskov Nickolay Victorovich Leaving in danger: the controversial questions of interpretation and qualification Divaeva Irina Rafaelovna Nikolaeva Tatiana Some of the problems of a sentenceof imprisonment in the legislation of the Republic of Abkhazia Dgebiya Rada Zurikavna On the question of periodization of criminal law within the formation and development of the institutions of the Special Part Korablev Roman Nikolaevich Legalization of the criminal income: experience of criminal repression in member states of the European Union and Russia Zhesterov Pavel Valerievich Criminal law and criminal policy of the Soviet period in respect of liability for crimes in which a woman is the victim Kudaeva Larisa Arsenovna Current trends in the use of information and telecommunications network in the process of committing a crime Albina A. Shutova The general characteristic of the crimes in the sphere of computer information Pelevina Alla V. Perfection of rules of sentencing for the crime, committed in complicity Yankovsky Dmitry Andreevich Modern concept of corruption, corruption crime and corruption crimes Vorobyov Alexander V. Problems of qualification of vandalism Aletin Roman A. The organization of the investigation of criminal cases on the manufacture or sale of counterfeit money: concept, types and trends Bakhmet’yev Alexander Ivanovich 6. Criminology Historical and legal aspects of fighting corruption within the state Vezlomtsev V. Burukin V. Criminal violence among women Yakovlev D. Y. Criminological characteristics of the individual women who have committed crimes against life Yakovlev D. Y. 7. Criminal procedure ON THE NEED FOR A NEW CRIMINAL PROCEDURE JUDICIAL INVESTIGATION, THE EUROPEAN STANDART ADVERSARIAL PROCESS Mashovets Asiya Okeanovna 8. Forensics; Forensic expertise; Operational and search activities Legal regulation relocation to another place of residence of the victim, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings, Justice Assistance Dmitriyeva Anna Aleksandrovna Features of the proving in a criminal case in which pre-trial a cooperation agreement have been concluded Pastukhov Pavel Sisoevich The interaction of the investigator and operative officer at criminal procedural arrest in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Vyong Thang Long FORENSIC TACTICAL BASIS OF PLANNING PROSECUTOR`S PARTICIPATION IN COURT INVESTIGATION Safronsky Georgy Emilevich 9. Judicial, prosecutorial, human rights and law enforcement activities Active repentance and voluntary surrender, implemented in the form of pre-trial agreement on cooperation Abshilava George Valerjanovich The interaction of the Prosecutor's office with the media in the constitutional (Charter) court proceedings Mamatov Maxim Vladimirovich INSTANTONNOI BUILDING OF THE COURTS OF SPECIAL JURISDICTION IN CONDITIONS OF MARTIAL LAW Veretennikov Nikolay Nikolaevich Attorney-at-law’s duty to cognize criminal case Orlov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 10. International law; European Law; Corporate law; Energy law GLOBALIZATION AS A FACTOR OF NATIONAL-STATE FORM OF SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Tolchinsky Mark Vyacheslavovich Tolchinskaya Tatyana I. STATE SOVEREIGNTY: CONCEPT, CONTENT, ACTUAL THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL PROBLEMS OF REALIZATION Khmelevsky Sergey V. Judicial precedent as a source of European Union law Goshin Vladimir 10. Financial law; Tax law; Budgetary law; Administrative law; Administrative process The legal relations between the state and religious organizations as a the subject of administrative law Oksana N. Petyukova GAPS IN TAX LEGISLATION RELATED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT Sidorova Anastasia The system of mandatory payments for nature: conflicts of laws Germanova Maria A. THE BANK GUARANTEE AS CONTRACT PERFORMANCE BOND Panova Kristina Olegovna 12. OTHER VIOLENCE AS A FACTOR OF ESCALATION OF POLITICAL CONFLICTS Zalysin Igor Y. Some problems of improvement of preparation and certification of scientific shots for the higher school and undergraduates on legal specialty Mazur Sergey F. Institute of selection and admission of citizens to serve in the Interior of the Russian Federation: theoretical and legal aspect Mayurov Nikolay P. Bantyukov Igor Borisovich Oroeva Oyuna Dorzhaevna Formation of ethnocultural tolerance as a condition of high-quality professional development of modern prison staff Ivanova Olga V. Kareeva Irina V. POLITICAL AND LEGAL REGULATION OF ETHNOIMMIGRATION Dallakian Kamo COGNITION AND JUSTIFICATION - THE TWO ASPECTSOF PROVING IN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Alexey P. Popov Popova Irina Alekseevna PRINCIPLE OF INTEGRITY AS BASIS OF THE PRIVATE-LAW RELATIONS: HISTORICAL AND LEGAL ASPECT Okriashvili Timur G. Yakupov Albert G.