Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №5 2015
Issue №5 2015
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-212 Prev Next
1. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law Right - based Powers of the Constitutional Court of Russian Federation in the Conditions of Interaction Between National and International Law Goncharov Igor Vladimirovich The principles of public administration by electoral process in the Russian Federation Ilya G. Chistoborodov IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STATE POLICY IN THE FIELD OF PROVIDING CITIZENS WITH FREE LEGAL AID IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Antonova Elena Ivanovna Prokopjeva Nadezhda Viktorovna THE PROCESS OF REGIONALIZATION OF FRANCE: HISTORY AND EVOLUTION Lebedeva Margarita L. LEGAL REGULATION OF THE ORDER TO ENSURE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECISIONS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL (CHARTER) OF JUSTICE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Maslova Svetlana Vasilevna The right of legislative initiative of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Aytov Pavel B. Some innovations about the deputies elections of legislative (representative) bodies of the subjects state power of the Russian Federation legislation Kudryavtseva Inna Alexandrovna On the Problem of the Correlation of the Categories of Freedom of Labor and Right to Labor in the Constitutional Doctrine and Decisions of the Russian Federation Constitutional Court Anna E. Kanakova 2. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings FEATURES FUNCTION INTERPRETATION OF LAWS Garnik Lyudmila Yurievna Migunova Tatiana Leonidovna DISTRIBUTION OF HANAFITSKY LEGAL SCHOOL Petrenko Nikolay I. Nadezhdin Alexander Vladimirovich Modern legal policy as a legal category Gagieva Nataliya Ruslanbekovna The problem of the definition of legal liability Stepanova Vera Vladimirovna 3. CIVIL LAW; ENTREPRENEURIAL LAW; FAMILY LAW; INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW; Civil procedure arbitration procedure The problem of allocating reproductive Institute of human rights in Russian law Burdo Evgeniy Petrovich Garanina Inna Gennadievna Assisted reproduction and the duty of care for the unborn child Burdo Evgeniy Petrovich Garanina Inna Gennadievna About the question of the legal status of married couple as a subjects non-property rights in family Yakovleva Ekaterina Alexandrovna The responsibility for the abuse of the right Kurzhupova Yana Vladimirovna Unregistered industrial design in the European Union: the possibilities of introction of similar regime in Russia Nikolaeva Marina Sergeevna Analysis of the practice of FAS on the issue of the procurement of works on construction contracts Ermakov Fyodor Sergeevich THE PARTICIPANTS COMPOSITION OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP, MUNICIPAL-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP Kazakov Aleksey Olegovich 4. Employment Law; Right to social security Cybersportsmens - peculiarities of labor legal status Petrov Vladimir Evgenievich Buyanova Anastasia V. The basic premises of legal regulation of special assessment of working conditions Kirsanova Daria A. Transfers of employees to other work depending on the timing Prokofyev Mikhail Alexandrovich 5. Criminal; Criminal enforcement law The gaps in Russian legislative regulation of criminal responsibility for corruption Karabanova Elena Nikolaevna About some peculiarities of qualification unfinished crime (premiere of corpus delicti of the crime provided by article 166 of the Criminal code) Karpova Nataliya A. Rudover Elena Aleksandrovna Public safety as the object of crimes against cultural property Kalininskaya Yana S. Videnkina Zhanna Vasilevna The problems of application of the term “public authority” in the context of delegate public control Sorochkin Roman A. The mens rea in Bulgarian criminal law Stoykov Stoyan Kharlamov Daniil Dmitrievich PROBLEMS OF LEGAL TECHNOLOGY OF DESIGNING OF THE CONCEPT «CRIMES OF THE EXTREMIST ORIENTATION» Gordeev Nikita S. 6. Criminology Some ways of using the media in the prevention of terrorism Borovikova Victoria Valerievna The concept and the essential features of terrorism Kovlagina Daria Alexandrovna Some features of the conceptual apparatus of crime in the sphere of intellectual property Mandriko Aleksandr V. 7. Criminal procedure Поздравление с юбилеем THE ROLE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE VERIFICATION APPEAL AGAINST THE JUDGMENT IN A HIGHER COURT COURTS Potapov Vasily Dzonovich The procedure for the revision entered into force sentences imposed on persons who have signed a pre-trial agreement on cooperation Kachalova Oksana Valentinovna LEGAL CERTAINTY AS A SUBJECT OF LEGAL POSITIONS AND FINAL CONCLUSIONS CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF THE RUSSIAN Sidorenko Maria Vasilievna Function of the defense in the criminal procedure of Germany Belozerova Irina Ivanovna Actual problems of manufacture of inquiry in abbreviated form, units of inquiry of internal Affairs on transport Yuri A. Kovtun Novikova Ekaterina Anatolyevna Rudov Denis Nikolaevich Shevtsov R. M. Eduard A. Vinokurov ENSURING SECURITY OF PROTECTED PERSONS IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS: ANALYSIS OF RUSSIAN LEGISLATION Ryabov Sergey Anatolyevich 8. Forensics; Forensic expertise; Operational and search activities Issues in the Substantive Legal Defense of Defendants Having been Subject to Entrapment in the Course of Investigation Engelgardt Artur Avgustovich Criminal law component of forensic characteristics of fraud in the field of residential real estate Nizaeva Svetlana Ramilevna 9. Judicial, prosecutorial, human rights and law enforcement activities A PHENOMENON OF MODERN RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM: HISTORICAL AND THEORETICAL ASPECTS Zalina K. Kochesokova Russian legislation regulating the activities of internal affairs bodies in the sphere of prevention of juvenile delinquency Mazdogova Zaira Zaurovna Planning for the protection of potential hazards and critical facilities Strokin Valentin Vasilievich 10. Financial law; Tax law; Budgetary law; Administrative law; Administrative process Economic Project of the New Silk Road as a factor in the development of international legal mechanisms of cooperation between the Eurasian States in the monetary sphere Galina V. Petrova To the issue of passport and registration in Russia Khakimov Ruslan I. 11. OTHER LEGAL BASES OF COUNTERACTION OF ETHNIC EXTREMISM AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE REPUBLIC OF MORDOVIA Tatyana V. Khudoikina Nemechkin Vasilii Nikolaevich CODE OF ETHIC AS A CORPORATE ACT OF LEGAL CLINIC Tatyana V. Khudoikina Kuptsova Olga V. The economic potential of the Volgograd region as a factor of business development Rizhenkov Anatoliy Yakovlevich Melihov Victor Mikhailovich Egorov Gennadiy Gennadievich THE RATIO OF "EVENTS" AND "STRUCTURES" IN CLASSICAL SOCIAL-PHILOSOPHICAL CONCEPTS Tsifanova Irina V. CONCEPT OF PARADIGM IN MODERN PHILOSOPHY OF LAW Paveleva Tatyana Yu. JURIDICAL TUTORING: HISTORY, ESSENCE, NEW CHALLENGES Sokolnikova Valentina A.