Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №6 2014
Issue №6 2014
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-346 Prev Next
1. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law ENSURING OF THE RIGHTS OF THE CITIZENS FOR THE LEGAL AID Petrenko Nikolay I. Antonova Elena Ivanovna FEATURES OF CONSTITUTIONAL REGULATION'S FORMATION AS SCIENTIFIC CATEGORY DURING THE SOVIET AND MODERN PERIODS OF FUNCTIONING OF THE RUSSIAN STATE Chermeninov A.G. Nurmagambetov Rashit Gabitovich Parliamentary control in the system of the separation of powers as an essential element of representative democracy Kazakova E.V. Some features of the USA State Courts in the framework of the concept of American federalism Kharatyan Gurgen Edurdovich 2. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings Corruption is one of the problems of social management Mokhorov Dmitryi A. Makarevich Marina Leonidovna The genesis of international criminal law with the participation of the Russian state in the XIX century Tretyakova Ekaterina Sergeevna THE COSSACKS’ COMMON LAW: ON THE INDEPENDENT STATEHOOD ISSUE Erokhin Igor U. On the influence of Byzantine culture on political and legal space of Kievan Rus and Bulgaria Bondarenko Yulia Victorovna Management and legal regulation of Moscow prison mental hospitals activity in the Russian Empire Domracheva Svetlana Leonidovna 3. CIVIL LAW; ENTREPRENEURIAL LAW; FAMILY LAW; INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW; Civil procedure arbitration procedure The concept and definition of a commutative contract in the legal systems of the Russian Federation and foreign countries Suslikov Vladimir Nikolaevich Dyukarev Daniil A. The features of mediation for cases of family relationships Shelepina Elena Alexandrovna On Issues of Legal Regulation of Provisional Custody (Guardianship) of Minors in Russian Federation Bryukhina Evgeniya Rafikovna Kozlova Valeria Sergeevna DIFFICULTIES OF SATISFACTORI LEGISLATIVE AUTHORIZATION PROBLEMS OF «CONSCIENTIOUSNESS» IN CIVIL LAW Popov V.S. Civil contracts on creation of noncommercial legal entities Semivelichenko Eugene Aleksandrovich Cession as legal foundation of acquisition of lease properties purchasers rights by the lessee Ivashkin Andrey N. Modern Sources of Fur Trade Regulation Dzhavakhidi Irakli Aleksandrovich THE COMPENSATION OF THE MORAL DAMAGE AS A WAY OF PROTECTION OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS IN THE SPHERE OF BIOTECHNOLOGIES Immel Larisa Alexandrovna Presumptions in civil procedure of Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia Cherepanov Vladislav A. 4. Employment Law; Right to social security VACATION: INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS AND RUSSIAN LEGISLATION Machulskaja Elena Evgenievna 5. Criminal; Criminal enforcement law Imposition the additional duties on probationers Rastoropov Sergey Vladimirovich Methodological approaches to the construction of the criminal law and criminological models of organized crime Yury G. Vasin The decriminalization of evasion of military and civilian alternative service (Art. 328 of the Criminal Code) Philipov P.A. Problems of legal regulation of counteraction to illegal circulation of new kinds of narcotics and psychotropic substances Gordeev Alexey Yurievich ALCOHOL INTOXICATION AS A QUALIFYING SYMPTOM OF TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS AND EXPLOITATION OF VEHICLES AND ITS SOCIALLY LEGAL STIPULATION Linkevich Alexander E. Factors and tendencies of development of national criminal law in terms of subjects of corruption-related crime Sorochkin Roman A. The main definitions (categories) of the crimes impeding preservation of the property which is subject to recovery Geyko Pavel P. Some issues of determination of malignance infringement of conditions of grant of parole Rybakov Alexander Aleksandrovich QUALIFICATION OF CRIMINAL CONTAMINATION OF VENEREAL ILLNESS: SEPARATE PROBLEMS OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE Burdinskaya Anna N. THE PROBLEM OF CRIMINAL AND LEGAL ASSESMENT OF THE CATEGORY «VEHICLE» FOR PURPOSES ART. 268 OF THE CRIMINAL CODE OF RUSSIA Kuleshov Ivan Yurievich TO THE QUESTION OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY FOR MAKING FALSE INFORMATION IN THE REGISTER OF THE SECURITIES OWNERS Mironyuk Ivan Vladimirovich Responsibility for participation in the organized groups and criminal associations (criminal organizations) Yankovsky Dmitry Andreevich 6. Criminology Determinants of behavior in decision-corruption management decisions Mokhorov Dmitryi A. The legal basis of international legal protection of individual journalists Borovikova Victoria Valerievna Socio-political meaning and effectiveness of amnesty in modern Russia Zelentsov Alexey A. Kolomiychenko Elena V. SUBJECT OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY: TIPOLOGIZATION'S PROBLEM Stupnitsky Alexander Ivanovich CURRENT STATE OF THE FIGHT AGAINST VIOLENT ACTS OF A SEXUAL NATURE AGAINST A MINOR Kovtun Viktor A. 7. Criminal procedure The Essence of the Problem of Special Services Activities Legal Regulation Counteracting the Enroachment on Provided Facilities Security Yun Eduard Iosifovich The interaction of investigators of the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, bodies of inquiry in the disclosure and investigation of crimes Yuri A. Kovtun Zhukova Natalya A. Rudov Denis Nikolaevich Shevtsov R. M. OBJECTS AND SUBJECTS OF THE PROCEDURAL CRIMINAL LEGAL RELATIONS ON THE CRIMINAL CASE INITIATION PHASE Burtsev Aleksey Vladimirovich Zhukova Natalya A. Some problems of rehabilitation institute in Russian criminal process Gamidov Rinat T. It is a legal right to disagree with a public prosecutor Rykova Olesya Anatolievna About some features of the appeal judgment of acquittal Senicheva Irina Sergeevna THE PROBLEMS OF REGULATION OF DEPOSITING TESTIMONY IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS (COMPARATIVE APPROACH) Popov Artem Alekseevich The organisation of operative service by objects of the consumer market at the present stage Kiselev Nikolai Nikolaevich SOME ISSUES OF LEGAL REGULATION OF RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN OPERATIONAL UNITS Khusainov Ramil Ravilovich To a question on legal regulation of operatively-search action «inspection of buildings, constructions, sites of district and vehicles» spent by operating-technical divisions Dajanov Irek Sajfuranovich COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS Adigamova Guzel Zufarovna Nazmutdinova Aksana Gumarovna About forensic tactics in maintenance of the state prosecution Safronsky Georgy Emilevich 9. Judicial, prosecutorial, human rights and law enforcement activities Organization of the Ministry of Police: Experience of its Activity Mukhortov Alexei Anatolievich SOME ASPECTS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AS A SPECIAL FORM OF REALIZATION OF THE RIGHT Eliseev Alexandr Pavlovich Mukhortov Alexei Anatolievich The Statistical factors corruption criminality - a myth or reality? Zakhvatov Igor′ Yur′evich Trishkin Sergeiy Vladimirovich METHOD FALSITIES OF “THE ADVOCATE’S HELP” AS COMMON PROBLEM OF RIGHT APPLICATION Popov V.S. Popova I.V. Organizational and scientific-methodical provision of forensic activity as applied to cases of ecological offence into the Republic of Kazakhstan Bekzanov Jambul Lesbekovich SOME ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM OF REFORMING THE SYSTEM OF SOCIAL PROTECTION EMPLOYEES OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS BODIES Chernyshova Lydia Vladimirovna On the question of the prosecutor's supervision over the observance of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian Federation (for example, Sverdlovsk region) Gogolevskiy Alexander Vladimirovich 10. International law; European Law; Corporate law; Energy law The principle of national law systems equality as a general principle of international private law Akimova Yulia M. 10. Financial law; Tax law; Budgetary law; Administrative law; Administrative process The formation of the Russian doctrine of international monetary law in the context world problems of transformation the international monetary and financial system Galina V. Petrova The Budget, oriented on the result: legal issues Rita A. Toria To the question about the content of administrative standing Tsybanev Alexander Vasilyevich ON THE INNOVATION FORMS OF CITIZEN’S APPEALS Risi Boris G. 12. REVIEWS РЕЦЕНЗИЯ НА УЧЕБНИК «УГОЛОВНОЕ ПРАВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ. ОБЩАЯ ЧАСТЬ», АВТОРЫ - К. М. ОСМОНАЛИЕВ, В.П.РЕВИН. Под ред. проф. Ревина В.П. - Бишкек: «ЮрИнфо», 2014. - 353 С Zhuravlev M. P. Dzhorobekova A.M. 13. OTHER SOCIAL-PHILOSOPHICAL COMPREHENSION OF CIVIL EDUCATION Khmelevskaya Svetlana A. ABOUT FOOD SECURITY OF RUSSIA Safin Ural Z. INFORMATION AND INFORMATIONAL-COMMUNICATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES (IT) IN ERA OF MODERN GLOBALIZATION Sokolnikova Valentina A. JUSTICE, GLOBALIZATION, ELITE: REASONS, PROBLEMS, PERSPETIVES Kutkin Vladimir S. Corruption as a phenomenon of state and municipal government Demidov Vladimir P. Mokhorova Anna U. CONSERVATIVE SOCIALISM IN MODERN RUSSIA AND ITS ORIGINS Schipkov Alexander Vladimirovich The notion of the crime in crediting sphere in native doctrine of criminal law Rastoropova Olga V. Some issues of substance of system of criminal penalty in Russia Zvonov Andrei V. Price as a condition of the contract of supply on the market of thermal energy Yarkovaya Olesya Nikolaevna SUBJECTS OF ECONOMICAL BEHAVIOUR IN PENSION SYSTEM Orlova Irina U. To the question of appointment and dismissal of the Ombudsman for Children in the Russian Federation constituent territories Likhter Pavel L. The action of retroactive force of criminal law to the changes and additions in the general part of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: brief review Baratashvili Liana Naftolievna Psychological characteristics of affective state as passion, caused by of victim’s illegal behavior Chuchelov Egor Nikolaevich THE RIGHTS AND INTERESTS IN CIVIL PROCESS Panova Kristina Olegovna Development of the domestic criminal legislation about slander before the beginning of the XX century Dzhafarova Afgana Aligusejnovna The exceptional regimes as adjusting means integration processes in sphere international relations Afzaletdinova Gulnara Khasanovna