( Pp. 167-169)

More about authors
Stupnitsky Alexander Ivanovich kand. sociol. nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: dekan. Mesto raboty: Belgorodskiy universitet kooperacii, ekonomiki i prava. Filial: Stavropolskiy institut kooperacii. Podrazdelenie: fakultet vtorogo vysshego obrazovaniya.
Belgorod institute of cooperation, economics and law. Branch: Stavropol institute of cooperation
Task: The purpose of writing of this article is research of specific features of subjects of criminal activity, its psychological and social aspects, carrying out a tipologization of subjects of criminal activity. Methodology: In the course of work were used the classification method which allowed to focus natural communications between classes of subjects in uniform system of criminal activity and an analytical method of research. Conclusions: The identity of the criminal is connected with special type of activity having illegal character. Criminal activity reflects an orientation of the personality in the field, her relation to the world and represents the conscious and strong-willed purposeful behavior forbidden by the criminal legislation. Value: The practical importance of research consists in detection of social and demographic and psychological characteristics of subjects of criminal activity and is intended for sociologists, lawyers, employees of psychological services.
How to Cite:
Stupnitsky A.I., (2014), SUBJECT OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY: TIPOLOGIZATION'S PROBLEM. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 167-169.
Reference list:
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