Cession as legal foundation of acquisition of lease properties purchasers rights by the lessee
( Pp. 72-77)
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Ivashkin Andrey N.
the company «Intertranscexpeditsiya»
the company «Intertranscexpeditsiya»
In this article the author decided that structure of the beneficiary contract can’t be a legal foundation for acquisition of purchaser’s rights by lessee .The author’s point of view is based on the comparative legal analysis of court practice concerning the insurance contract in favor of the beneficiary, and lease legal relation in the matter of the acquisition of rights (demands) of the lease object’s purchaser. Instead of the beneficiary contract the author propose to use the agreement on the assignment of rights(demands) to the lease relations. The legal option of assignment of purchaser’s rights, which belongs to the lessor on the basis of the sale contract, relating to the object of leasing, separately from delegation of payment, is the foundation for such qualification.
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Reference list:
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the contract for the benefit of a third party, assignment of rights (claims), the lessor, the assignor, the lessee, the assignee.