The Statistical factors corruption criminality - a myth or reality?
( Pp. 230-236)

More about authors
Zakhvatov Igor′ Yur′evich kand. yurid. nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: docent; Podrazdelenie: kafedra upravleniya organami vnutrennih del.
Management academy of MIA Russia Trishkin Sergeiy Vladimirovich olzhnost: glavnyy specialist.; Podrazdelenie: otdel ugolovnoy i administrativnoy statisticheskoy informacii.
Federal budget institution “MIAC of MIA Russia”
In article is considered condition of the statistical factors, characterizing condition corruption to criminality, reflected in system criminal-legal statistics, and is motivated their inadequacy established on modern stage of the development of our country condition social and legal reality.
How to Cite:
Zakhvatov I.Y., Trishkin S.V., (2014), THE STATISTICAL FACTORS CORRUPTION CRIMINALITY - A MYTH OR REALITY?. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 230-236.
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accounting, accounting of crimes of corruption, corruption crime, statistical indicators, the criminal-legal statistics.

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