Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №6 2013
Issue №6 2013
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-350 Prev Next
1. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law Обращение к участникам VII Международной научно-практической конференции «Реализация конституционных принципов в законодательстве на современном этапе» Poluhin O.N. Обращение участников VII Международной научно-практической конференции «Реализация конституционных принципов в законодательстве на современном этапе», посвященной памяти академика РАН В.Н.Кудрявцева Chistyakov V.V. Democratism as constitutional-legal universals Vohmjanin Denis Valerievich Legal security controls in the information environment Kurbanova Aseeyat S. CLASSIFICATION OF THREATS TO THE RELIGIOUS RUSSIAN SECURITY: CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL ANALYSIS Tarasevich I.A. To the question about the expediency and territoriality holding revocation Trofimova Galina Anatolievna Topical Problems of Parliamentary State Control Alekseev Denis Borisovich Classification of forms of citizens’ participation in administration of the state and a tendency of development of civil society in Russia Vladimirov Dmitryi Andreevich Grounds for the acquisition and termination of citizenship of Russian Federation Rasokulova Sarvarbi Habibovna 2. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings FUNCTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS LAW AND SUBJECTIVE LAW Tonkov Evgeniy Evgenievich Zoroastrian law and the problem of classification of crimes Khalikov Abdurahim Gafforovich Franz Oppenheimer about the origin of the state and its criticism of the contractual theory of the origin of state and natural law Nagikh Sergey Ivanovich Word as the beginning of God's law and the criminal law in the writings of Christian theologians and Russian lawyers Bespalko Viktor G. CHURCH, STATE AND THE REFORMATION OF BYZANTIC LAW IN THE 6-TH CENTURY Brovchenko Ignatius Yurievich CONCEPT OF NON-LAW IN HEGEL'S PHILOSOPHY Sokolnikova Valentina A. Police state in Europe in the 18-19 centuries Lazorin K.B. Discipline in the legal field Maksakova Elena Nikolaevna Experience of the formation and development of the institution of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in foreign countries Zhurko Artem Vladimirovich 3. CIVIL LAW, HOUSING LAW, FAMILY LAW, ENTREPRENEURIAL LAW, INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW, CIVIL PROCEDURE, ARBITRATION PROCESS Observance of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens during the eviction on the grounds specified in the articles 86-88 of the Housing code of the Russian Federation Belova Svetlana N. The legal capacity of non-profit organizations as a basis for legal system reform Grosul Yuriy Victorovich On the purchase of a single supplier (contractor, artist) autonomous institutions Ivanova Tatiana Mikhailovna Insurable interest as a main prerequisite of insurance contract Abbasova Rena Arzuman VISION LEGISLATIVE GAPS FILLING NORMS ON THE WRIT PROCEEDINGS THROUGH THE HISTORICAL ASPECT OF ITS FORMATION Shadlovskaya Olga D. The system of legal incentives and legal restrictions of investment activity in the field of entrepreneurship: the notion, structure, relationship of elements Ayzetullova Nazlygul Azatovna The division of legal entities into corporations and unitary organization: from doctrine to practice Ermakov M.M. The deadline for submission of application for review of judicial decisions on new circumstances Botashev Ruslan Yurievich DISPUTE ON THE SUBJECT OF THE AGENCY CONTRACT AND ITS POSSIBLE DECISION Puzireva A. N. Forms of the contract of carriage by sea in the Roman law. The Labeo’s approach to the problems of the contract typicality Novitskaya Anna Seaworthiness, as a key condition of the contract of carriage of goods in a tramp message Marjashin Vladislav Evgenevich 4. Employment Law; Right to social security; Land law; Natural resource law; Environmental law; Legal title of nature Brinchuk M.M. SOCIALIZATION OF LEGAL STATUS OF WORKERS OF FIRMS BASED ON COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLES IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND IN RUSSIA Palladina Maria Ilyinichna Voronina Natalia Pavlovna TO THE QUESTION OF NOTION EMPLOYER – LEGAL PERSON (ORGANIZATION) AS A SUBJECT OF LABOR RELATIONS Viktor T. Savin 5. Criminal; Criminal enforcement law Велиеву Исахану Вейсал-оглы – 55 лет! To a question of responsibility for fraud under the Criminal code of the Russian Federation and Criminal code Germany: common ground Anna V. Serebrennikova Consistency and certainty of criminal law as a basic prerequisite for effective application of the rules governing its action in time and in space Reshnyak Mariya Genrikhovna Some ways of improvement institute of criminal responsibility and punishment of non-adults Zijadova Dureja Z. Magomedov Neftulla Kamalutdinovich Some problems of qualification theft Tereschenko Lyubov’ Sergeevna Shebanov Dmitrij Valer’evich Legal problems of the construction of the objective party art. 151.1. of the Criminal Code of the RF Sytnikov Vyacheslav Olegovich The criminal liability of department of internal affairs for the acts of registry criminal evasion (art. 300 of CCRF) Bairamkulov Asker Magometovich Socio-biological and moral characteristic of personality of the criminal-terrorist Buchaev Said Maratovich The history of Russian criminal law revolutionary period of liability for theft group Kuybeda Dmitry Ivanovich Delimitation of molesting from OTHER sexual offenses Oberemchenko Aleksandr Dmitrievich Criminal liability for violation of the inviolability of common life Pavlinov Alexander Alexanderovich Criminal legal description signs of the objective side of the destruction or damage of forest and other plantations Simonov Arkadiy Grigorievich PROCEDURAL DEADLINES FOR THE ACCUSED UNDER HOUSE ARREST Lineva Ekaterina Sergeevna A private-public prosecution of crimes, listed in Chapter 23 of Criminal Code of Russian Federation Lopashenko Darya Victorovna 6. Criminology ECONOMY AND CRIME. PROBLEMS OF COUNTERACTION OF ECONOMIC CRIME Luneev Victor Vasilyevich Criminological characterization of extremism among women in regions of Russian Federation Zijadova Dureja Z. Kryuchkov Vyacheslav Gennadievich The causes and conditions that contribute to the emergence of religious controversies Yemelyanova E.V. Takaev I.R. Some modern trends in criminal policy in the fight against economic crime Yuri G. Vasin The legislative framework for derogation from the category of the perfect crime Magomedov Guseyn Bagavdinovich The determination of the latency of crime Kryventsov Pavel Alexeevich 7. Criminal procedure ABOUT SOME PROBLEMS OF ENSURING THE RIGHTS OF VICTIMS IN PRE-JUDICIAL CRIMINAL CASES PRODUCTION Isaenko Vjacheslav N. THE PROTECTION FROM ACCUSATION IN MAKING A CRIME: BY BARRISTER AND PERSON WHO DOES NOT HAVE A STATUS OF LAWYER Popov V.S. Features interrogation tactics prior presentation for identification, according to the procedural provisions of the person being questioned Mantsurova Linda Aleksandrovna To question about the grounds of denial from accusation by public prosecutor Zhumakanova Natalia Alexandrovna THE NOTION OF THE INTERPRETER AND ITS ROLE IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS Mishchenko Alisa Yurievna 8. Forensics; Forensic expertise; Operational and search activities Interagency and international cooperation in the fight against terrorism and other very serious crime Rumyantsev Andrey Yurievich Problems of improvement of legal support of the terrorism prevention branch of transport Artamonov I.I. Karpukhin Kirill Igorevich 9. Judicial, prosecutorial, human rights and law enforcement activities Settlement of conflict of interests and the resolution of labor disputes the internal Affairs bodies: the administrative and legal research Mayurov Nikolay P. Bjalt Victor Sergeevich On the legal status of police officers: theoretical and legal aspects Mayurov Nikolay P. Konstantinov George Leonidovich UNDERSTANDING OF THE GIST AND ADVOCACY CONTENT BEFORE ITS SPLIT IN KAZAKHSTAN Popov V.S. Popova Irina Valerievna The essence and possibilities of its pre-trial appeal applications in the field of activities of the internal affairs authorities Batiev M.M. Mission of prosecutor's office in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan Ahmetova Aliya Byhytzhanovna 10. INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC LAW TO A QUESTION ABOUT THE CONTENT OF REGIONAL POLICY (RUSSIA-FRANCE) Lebedeva Margarita L. 11. Financial law; Tax law; Budgetary law; Information Law; Administrative law; Administrative process Insurance supervision in the system of financial control Miroshnik Svetlana Valentinovna Efficiency of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity and business efficiency: the ratio of concepts Shmaliy Oksana Vasilievna Tax control the tax administration Viktor V. Moroz ISSUES OF TAXATION OF TRANSACTIONS OF INDIVIDUALS WITH INVESTMENT GOLD IN RUSSIA Linnnikov Alexander Sergeevich The state services in system of public and legal services Dushakova Lesya A. 12. OTHER Legal regulation of secret inquisitional (search) actions in the criminal judicial legislation of Ukraine Tolochko Oleksandr Nikolaevich Development of standardization and certification systems in the member states of the CIS Nikitina Anna Paleev Denis L. Optimization of personnel management companies Rocket space industry through the creation of virtual organizational structures Nikitina Anna Priority areas of an environment of national security of the Russian Federation in the context of globalization Borshch Alexander Alexandrovich ISSUES OF EFFICIENCY ASSESSMENT OF E-LEARNING FOR TEACHING CIVIL EMPLOYEES Kholin Alexander Nikolaevich EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE KNOWLEDGE-INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES ORGANIZATIONS Kozyrev-Gadzhiev Dmitry Namikovich Serving sentences of imprisonment in the penitentiary system of the Kazan province in XIX - early XX centuries Kazachenok Viktoria Vladimirovna ACTUAL LEGAL PROBLEMS OF AZOV-KERCH WATER AREA Doroshenko Victoria Andreevna To the question about offense and crime in the seperate legal sphere of intellectual activities Guryanova Vera Vladimirovna