Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №1 2014
Issue №1 2014
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-274 Prev Next
1. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law SOCIAL PROVISION IN CONFLICT OF INTERESTS OF STATE, CIVIL SOCIETY AND PERSON Khmelevskaya Svetlana A. OPTIMIZATION OF THE JUDICIARY BY RUSSIAN MERGER SUPREME AND SUPREME ARBITRATION COURTS Tsaturyan Tamara Vladimirovna LEGAL PROBLEMS Mediation Institute in the Russian Federation today. CURRENT ISSUES Burdo Evgeniy Petrovich ANALYSIS OF CONCEPT OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL REGULATION AS CATEGORIES OF JURISPRUDENCE Nurmagambetov Rashit Gabitovich THE QUALIFID LEGAL ASSISTANCE”: INCLUDING PROVIDED FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT FOR FREE AS GUARANTED RIGHT OF EVERY CITIZEN BY CONSTITUTION Popov V.S. Popova Irina Valerievna CONTENT OF THE PRINCIPLE OF the transfer of funds TO bodies of local self-government, required for THE EXERCISE OF CERTAIN STATE POWERS Gadelshina L. I. Regulatory support the education of children with disabilities (HIA) and disabled children in hospitals Ilya V. Ushankov Problems of the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen as an example of the Stavropol Territory Lepshokova Renata Azretalievna 2. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings Increase of the crisis phenomena in the first half of the 1980th Krasnov Dmitry A. 3. CIVIL LAW, HOUSING LAW, INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW, FAMILY LAW, CIVIL PROCEDURE, ARBITRATION PROCESS CORPORATIZATION OF NON-STATE PENSION FUNDS: PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES Kuzin Artemii Aleksandrovich LEGAL REGULATION OF RELATIONS IN THE SPHERE OF SOCIAL AND CULTURAL SERVICES UNDER THE LAWS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN Sanginov Doniyor Shomahmadovich Comparative corporative jurisprudence as scientific-methodic base of forming of foundations of civil legislation about artificial persons in the states of Eurasian Economic Community Kitsay Yuliana Anatolievna PRINCIPAL PATTERNS OF ABUSE WHILE HOLDING AUCTIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION LAND PROPERTY AND SOME REMEDIAL MEASURES Grischenko Alexey Nikolaevich THE QUESTION OF THE NOTION OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND OBJECTS OF INVESTING Semochkina Marina Alexeevna Agency agreement between advertising distributor and media agent: notion and subject-matter Puzireva A. N. Participants self-regulatory organizations : concept, types , especially the legal status Sungatullina Lilia A. 4. Criminal; Criminal enforcement law Historical sources of understanding of terrorism Alexey P. Popov Popov Artem Alekseevich Mihail P. Kireev Legal aspects of adjusting of sexual behavior of persons contained in establishments of the criminally-executive system Golovkin Roman Borisovich Sorokin Mikhail Vladimirovich THE CONCEPT AND CRIMINAL CONSEQUENCES OF EVASION (MALICIOUS EVASION) FROM SERVING COMPULSORY WORK, CORRECTIONAL LABOR AND FORCED LABOR Mikaelyan Suren Amayakovich Tactics used during interrogation in the investigation of crimes related to terrorist acts Ivan P. Kravets Theoretical bases of the interaction between Common and Specific parts of criminal code of RSFSR of 1960 Petrushenkov Alexandr N. The educational work as the leading means of convicted persons correction Stepanov Maksim Vyacheslavovich DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN CRIMINAL LEGISLATION OF THE VICTIM OF CRIME Sirik Marina Sergeevna Sirik Sergey Nikolaevich Concept and types of violent crimes against propertyin the theory of criminal law in Russia Please help Google Translate improve quality for your language here Burkina O.A. The problems of prevention the crimes committed against minors Zaira R. Khanova Criminal liability for violation of the order of accounting of rights on securities (article 185.2 of the criminal code) Isayev Oleg Yuryevich ON THE EXEMPTION FROM CRIMINAL LIABILITY ABOUT CRIMES IN THE SPHERE OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Garmaeva Tatyana Vladimirovna Yanina Irina Yur’evna The subjective side of mediation in bribery Moiseenko Mikhail Ivanovich The major factors causing committing of smuggling Vavilova Sergey Pavlovich To the question of delimitation in advance not promised concealment of crimes from complicity as type of partnership in a crime Milina Olga Vladimirovna The criminal legal attempt to protect the person from mental violence Zhdanov Yuri Aleksandrovich Criminal law aspects of opposition to the involvement of minors to the commitment of crimes of the terrorist direction Aliyeva Surijat Yusufovna The problems of the criminal responsibility and the punishment for using the slave labor Shakhbanov Rustam Muktarovich 5. Criminology THE CONCEPT OF "POLITICAL VIOLENCE" IN POLITICAL SCIENCE AND CRIMINAL LAW Zalysin Igor Y. Characteristics of the subject of corruption crime in international law Sorochkin Roman A. On the informal youth associations extremist Zelenov Yu Criminal analysis of the offender’s and victim’s personality in respect of crimes provided for by the FR Criminal Code, article 111 Antonova Galina Ivanovna Threat to kill or cause grievous bodily harm as a kind of family crimes Ilyanova Oksana Ilyinichna 6. Criminal procedure CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS PARTICIPANTS, CONTRIBUTING TO THE PROVISION AND REALIZATION OF DEFENCE FUNCTIONS Shhagapsoev Zaurbi Lelovich Kharzinova Violeta Mukhamedinovna LEGISLATIVE FASTENING OF THE NEW OPERATIVELY-SEARCH EVENTS WHICH MUST BE SAVED UP BY PRACTICE Vvedenskij Andrei Jurievitch 7. Forensics; Forensic expertise; Operational and search activities The purpose and tasks of criminalistic diagnostics of crimes in economy sphere Timchenko Vladimir Alexandrovich Features of the organization security at air transport Komarov Valery Valentinovich Mihail P. Kireev The concept, definition and meaning of investigative characteristics of economic crimes Borin Boris V. Fraud in Credit and Banking Area Danilov Dmitry Alekseevich 8. Judicial, prosecutorial, human rights and law enforcement activities The disciplinary Statute of the internal Affairs bodies: theory and practice Mayurov Nikolay P. Bjalt Victor Sergeevich New legislation on termination of service in the internal affairs Mayurov Nikolay P. Konstantinov George Leonidovich THE WAYS OF IMPROVEMENT LEVEL INCREASING OF THE LEGAL CULTURE TO JUDGES Nasurdinov Emom Sayfidinovich Factors contributing the spread of extremism in the North Caucasus Dzhumaeva Rusana Hamidbievna 9. INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC LAW Forms and methods of translating norms of international instruments on human rights in the national legal system Safarov Bakhtovar Amiralievich 10. OTHER Russian federation national security system (theory and practice of judicial reglamentation) Demidov A.Y. Some actual problems of criminal and criminal procedural law connected with action of criminal law in space Reshnyak Mariya Genrikhovna IMPROVEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF CIVIL EMPLOYEES ON THE BASIS OF MODERN E-LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES Kholin Alexander Nikolaevich FIVE MINUTES BEFORE «NUCLEAR MIDNIGHT», OR ON THE QUESTION OF «EXPORT OF DEMOCRACY (REVOLUTIONS)» AND A POSITION OF NATIONAL ELITE IN CRISIS SITUATIONS Khmelevsky Sergey V. HUMAN RIGHTS UNDER MODERN STAGE OF GLOBALIZATION: SOCIO-PHILOSOPHIAL ANALYSIS Kutkin Vladimir S. Legal measures of the opposition to the extremism among women Kryuchkov Vyacheslav Gennadievich MECHANISM, THE METHOD AND MEANS OF LEGAL REGULATION IN THE SPHERE OF POWER INDUSTRY Kolchenko Alexander Ivanovich Eurasianism - competitive factor of globalization Abildinov Artem Anatolyevich Esmuhanov Zhaslan Altaevich ПРОБЛЕМЫ УСЫНОВЛЕНИЯ (УДОЧЕРЕНИЯ) РОССИЙСКИХ ДЕТЕЙ ИНОСТРАННЫМИ ГРАЖДАНАМИ Mineeva Irina Nikolaevna Panfilov Mikhail Anatolyevich