Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №4 2014
Issue №4 2014
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-244 Prev Next
1. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law The main directions of the legal regulation of rural life in other countries with developed economies Afanasyev Alexander Alexandrovich Theoretical and practical aspects of the concept of American federalism Kharatyan Gurgen Edurdovich ON THE DETERMINATION OF CERTAIN COMMON CRITERIA DELIMITATION OF POWERS PRESIDENT AND GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Bakirova Zyamzyamgul Bolatovna Experience of Canada in legal regulation of access to information Melnichuk Maria Alexandrovna Monetary sovereignty": the attack on the foundations of the constitutional system or a new phase of constitutional development? Molodtsov Tomas R. 2. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings Legal regulation of maternal and child health in the reign of Catherine II Pechnikova Olga Glebovna LEGISLATIVE REGULATION CONCERNING ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE XIX CENTURY Cherkashina Natalia Valierevna SUMMARY OF RIGHTS Bekbaev Erzat Zeynullaevich TOPICAL ISSUES OF THE COSSACK LAWS IN THE LIGHT OF THE PROBLEM OF THE GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF THE LIFE AND ACTIVITIES OF THE COSSACK COMMUNITIES (15th - 21st CENTURIES) Erokhin Igor U. 3. CIVIL LAW, HOUSING LAW, INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW, FAMILY LAW, CIVIL PROCEDURE, ARBITRATION PROCESS Public-private partnership in the Russian Federation: the experience of legal regulation Oksana N. Petyukova FAMILY AND LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS FOR NON-EXECUTION BY THEM OF THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES ON EDUCATION OF MINOR CHILDREN IN THE FAMILY LAW OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Burdo Evgeniy Petrovich CONCEPT OF SUBSTITUTE MOTHERHOOD AND ITS LEGAL REGULATION Burdo Evgeniy Petrovich Norming in system of planning of state and municipal procurement: economic and legal aspects Belov Valery E. Legal regulation of the multimodal transportation’s (mixed traffic’s) accounts Grechuha V. N. Kakorina O. K. Notarization certificate land transactions and issues of restricting transactions ordered by the joint property of the spouses Ziryanov Alexander Ivanovich Lukina Veronika Vladimirovna ROLE OF LEGAL EDUCATION IN MEDIATION SPECAILISTS TRAINING Bodrova Elena Andreevna The judicial system of the CIS and Baltic countries: development and ways of improvement Chernov Anatoly Evgenievich Civil transactions aimed at alienation of the Federal land Gatin Albert Iskanderovich Individual regulation of the personal non-property relations by spouses Tolstoy Roman Valentinovich Legal duties of sports agents Eydelman Ibrahim Borisovich 4. Employment Law; Right to social security WORK OUT OF THE LOCATION OF THE EMPLOYER AS THE FACTOR OF DIFFERENTIATION OF THE LABOUR LEGISLATION Borodina Elena Nikolaevna Representative function of the joint-stock corporation manager as part of labor function Kabanov Andrey V. The actual problems of the legal adjusting of educational vacations granting and paying Mammadov Shamsi Vahid oglu 5. Criminal; Criminal enforcement law Some questions of countering economic crimes and their place in the classification of crimes Mazur Sergey F. TO THE QUESTION OF NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES OF THE CURRENT OF PUNISHMENT DELAY SERVING BY THE PATIENT WITH DRUG ADDICTION Sysoyev Roman Andreevich CONCEPT OF SUBJECT CONTROL FOR CONDITIONALLY AHEAD OF SCHEDULE RELEASED Rybakov Alexander Aleksandrovich SOME QUESTIONS OF AFFECTIVE CRIMES UNDER THE CRIMINAL CODE OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION Chuchelov Egor Nikolaevich LEGAL BASIS COMBATING CORRUPTION IN THE RUSSIAN ARMED FORCES Kulagina Victoria N. Criminal and legal counteraction to a misuse of insider information Mamochka Ekaterina A. TO THE GUESTION ABOUT THE ISSUES OF CRIMINALIZATION OF THE VIOLATION OF THE PROCEDURE OF FINANCING OF THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN, CAMPAIGNS OF A REFERENDUM: NEW WAYS TO IMPROVE THE CRIMINAL LAW PROVISIONS Lakekhin Michael Aleksandrovich ON THE ISSUE OF CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN TERMS “OFFICIAL DOCUMENT” AND “IMPORTANT PERSONAL DOCUMENT” Lukyanova Anastasia Aleksandrovna Raiding as negative factor of economy development Bazilev Dmitry A. The correspondence of the institute of criminal law action in time and the moment of perpetration the crime Baratashvili Liana Naftolievna 6. Criminology Objective evidence of illicit trafficking potent or toxic substances in order to market Akimova Irina Vasilievna A woman drug-user and a drug-related criminal Kirkina Nadezhda Valerievna Features specially-criminological prevention of female drug-related crime Kirkina Nadezhda Valerievna 7. Criminal procedure On the concept of criminal procedure evidence in the context of electronic information Pastukhov Pavel Sisoevich Participation of citizens in conduction of certain investigative actions in the criminal procedure of the Russian Federation Saneev Stanislav Olegovich Value for coordination of law enforcement and interagency cooperation in the implementation of the criminal prosecution of law enforcement officials who are guilty of concealing crimes of accounting Kolesov Mikhail Vladimirovich 8. Forensics; Forensic expertise; Operational and search activities The method of crime as part of his criminal characteristic Bessonov Alexei Alexandrovich To a question about the kinds of subjects and combating crimes investigation Semenov Valentin Vladimirovich The most common ways and means to prepare and commit illegal extraction (catch) aquatic biological resources. Features of their application in the Caspian Sea Azimov Lenauddin E. 9. Judicial, prosecutorial, human rights and law enforcement activities THE SEPARATE LEGAL ASPECTS TO ACTIVITY OF THE SUBDIVISIONS to OWN SAFETY OF THE SYSTEM MVD RUSSIA Oleg A. Kisliy Ways of improvement of personnel policy in the Russian Ministry of the interior (on the example of the experience of the Republic of Estonia) Mashugina Evgeniya Victorovna Prosecution participation in legislative process Sprygina Olga Romanovna Some imperfect legislation identified in the implementation of prosecutorial supervision of execution of laws in the field of protection of forests Shersneva Ekaterina Yuryevna 10. Corporate law; Energy law LEGAL REGULATION OF POWER INDUSTRY AND NUCLEAR POWER (MEXICO) Kurbanov Rashad Afatovich Self-regulation and control in the entrepreneurship Spektor Asiya Akhmetovna 11. Administrative law; Administrative process LEGAL CATEGORY REPRESENTATION IN THE JUSTICE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Grechkin Nikolai Sergeevich PROMBLEMS OF the disciplinary proceeding in the organs of the internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Shurupova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna 12. OTHER ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL MEASURES OF SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT OF MEDICINES PROVISION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Andreeva Liubov Vacilyevna Judicial linguistic expert opinion as part of judicial technique Gorbatenko Olga G. 13. CONFERENCE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT TRENDS EXTREMISM IN MODERN SOCIETY Leila A. Gelyakhova MAJOR AREAS OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FIGHT AGAINST ORGANIZED CRIME Manukyan Alina Romanova INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM AND WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION Tengizova Jeanne Adalbievna CREATING A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION BODIES CONDITIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS PERSONS INVOLVED IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS Lilia Y. Taova SOME PROFESSIONAL FORMATION POLICE Sobolirova Zohra Hazretovna CONSTITUTIONAL - LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR COMBATING EXTREMISM Zhamborov Anzor Anatolievich SOME PROBLEMS OF STATE ANTI-CORRUPTION POLICY Gutieva Irina Genrikhovna YOUTH SOCIALIZATION AS AN ANTIEXTREMIST STANDPOINT FORMING FACTOR (ON EXAMPLE OF KBR) Boziev Alberd Tahirovich ON THE PROBLEM OF DIAGNOSIS HANDWRITING WHEN INVESTIGATING CRIMES OF AN EXTREMIST NATURE Marina A. Nagoeva SOME REGULARITIES OF EXTREME FACTORS OPERATIONAL FEATURES OF ACTION LAW ENFORCEMENT IN SITUATIONS HIJACKING Beslan A. Tarchokov Zalina K. Kochesokova