Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №3 2016
Issue №3 2016
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-266 Prev Next
1. SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE, PROFESSOR ELAGIN A.G. Елагин Александр Георгиевич Ilya G. Chistoborodov THE NEED FOR A PERSON TO BE SAFE Yelagin Alexander Georgievich The constitutional bases of public administration by electoral process in the Russian Federation Ilya G. Chistoborodov Forms of joint activity of the police and Cossacks to ensure order and security Ilin Pavel Olegovich The activities of internal Affairs bodies (police) to combat extremism in the preparation and the holding of public events Anisimov Roman Yurievich Problematic issues of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, as the subject of the implementation of the Public Security Concept Nikulin Roman Viktorovich Rules of Russian Federation national legislation regulating the activity of the police aimed at ensuring law and order during the election campaign period Nosatov Yury Nikolaevich 2. SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE, PROFESSOR KUZNECOV A.P. Кузнецов Александр Павлович Chistyakov Vladimir Vsevolodovich Crimes against international cooperation: legal study of article 360 of the Russian Criminal Code Alexander P. Kuznetsov Model legislation about criminal responsibility for encroachment on state secrets: comparative analyses Papeeva Ksenia O. Theoretical and legal problems of differentiation of concepts "Military security" and "defense" in the context of ensuring the security of the state Petrov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich COUNTERACTION TO SHADOW ECONOMY UNDER THE SOVIET CRIMINAL LEGISLATION Orlova Lyubov Alexandrovna The method of legal technique of criminal law Pronina Maria Petorvna Comparative - legal research of legislation of Russia and foreign countries about gambling Antsygin Aleksey Valerevich Budget as the subject of a criminal assault Kirshina Elena Anatol’evna LATENT FORMS OF HINDRANCE TO ELECTORAL RIGHTS OF CITIZENS IMPLEMENTATION (ON EXAMPLE OF THE TOMSK REGION) Kamalov Ramil N. Fraud issues in the criminal legislation during the of Soviet period Boyko Sergey Yakovlevich Responsibility for computer crimes in the Roman-Germanic legal system Pelevina Alla V. 3. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law About procedural rules of the Constitution of the Russian Federation Tsaryov Alexey Yurievich The beginning and genesis of ideas universalization in a constitutional law Vohmjanin Denis Valerievich THE CONSTITUTIONALIZATION OF SELF-GOVERNMENT AS A LOWER SPATIAL LEVEL OF PUBLIC POWER Cheprasov Konstantin Victorovich Characteristic features of the constitutions (charters) of subjects of the Russian Federation Afisov Ya.V. 4. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings MANAGEMENT AS LEGAL ORGANIZATION (MODEL) OF PUBLIC-POLITICAL ACTIVITY OF THE POWER Kharitonova Olympiada Nikolaevna Boiko Natalia Alekcandrovna Tsaturyan Tamara Vladimirovna LEGITIMATE INTERESTS AND THEIR STATUS Ryzhik Andrey Vladimirovich Legal presumptions as means of gaps in the legislation establishment Zabrodin Dmitriy M. 5. CIVIL LAW; ENTREPRENEURIAL LAW; FAMILY LAW; INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW; Civil procedure arbitration procedure Ways of improvement of legislation in the sphere of procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs Sitdikova Lubov Borisovna Corporate law in the new edition of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Kurbanov Rashad Afatovich Sheremetieva Maria Victorovna Some issues of improvement of legal regulation of electronic document circulation Mazur Sergey F. Dementiev Dmitri D. To a question on participation of the public prosecutor in civil process Staroseltseva Marina Mikhailovna Menyailo Lyudmila Nikolaevna Mikhailikov Vitaliy Leonidovich Staroselceva Marina Mikhailovna Tishhenko Irina Victorovna COPYRIGHT PROTECTION IN THE MARKET CONDITIONS Bryantseva Natalia Vladimirovna Borodulina Anastasia Aleksandrovna Gibadulinova Liliya Rafaelevna Zheltov Vyacheslav A. Information mediation system mediation obligations under the legislation of the Russian Federation Gridneva Olga V. Tepanova Natalya A. The legal framework for ensuring the financial sustainability of the enterprises (organizations) in the Russian Federation Maltsev Vitaly A. Zolotareva Alla E. Features of civil liability for violations of the rules governing the protection of personal data of the employees Trofimova Inessa A. Pitko Elena V. CIVIL LAW PROTECTION OF PROPERTY RIGHTS OF SHAREHOLDERS IN REORGANIZATION TRANSACTIONS AND THE MERGER OF CAPITAL OF JOINT STOCK COMPANIES Sukina Yuliya O. The principles of judicial activity in the Russian Federation Voronin Sergey A. The deficiencies in regulation of protection against unfair competition in advertising Semenova Darya D. The legal regime of entrepreneurial activities in the territories of advancing socio-economic development Demina Maria A. 6. Employment Law; Right to social security; Land law; Natural resource law; Environmental law; Legal regulation of an employee’s transfer to a permanent job to another employer Savin Sergey Viktorovich Viktor T. Savin About saving the title of permanent (perpetual) use, inheritable possession for life on land plot in case of deconstruction of immovable: demands to land plot, legal treatment of basis, term flowing Andreyev Igor A. The subjects of the initiative of the employee transfers to another work Prokofyev Mikhail Alexandrovich 7. Criminal law, Criminal enforcement law, Criminology Modern aspects of the criminalization of acts of terrorism in the system of crimes against publik security Lozovitskay G.P. Lapupina N.N. The criminal liability for crimes against humanity and war crimes in German criminal law Serebrennikova Anna V. Interaction of religious organizations and criminalexecutive system in the process of the correction of those condemned Popova Elena Eduardovna Can self-regulatory organization employees be qualified as officials? Sorochkin Roman A. SOME GAPS OF THE OBJECTIVE SIDE OF A CRIME UNDER ARTICLE 186 OF THE CRIMINAL CODE "PRODUCTION, STORAGE, TRANSPORTATION OR SALE OF COUNTERFEIT MONEY OR SECURITIES" Zavaryukhin Vyacheslav Y. Zavaryuhin Fedor V. Abdulmyanova Tatiana Vladimirovna Features of consideration of addresses, carrying out checks and the analysis of a condition of legality, subjects and objects of checks of a condition of legality in the sphere of counteraction of corruption and a way of their improvement (on questioning materials) Imanov Ibrahim Alzhanovich 8. Criminal procedure TRADITIONAL AND NEW APPROACHES TO THE LEGALLY DEFINITIONS OF "EVIDENCE" IN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Popova Irina Alekseevna 9. Judicial, prosecutorial, human rights and law enforcement activities On the relation the concept of «terrorist activity» and «extremist activity» Yurov Nikolay N. Mihail P. Kireev FEATURES FUNCTIONING OF THE JUDICIARY IN THE RUSSIAN POLITICAL SYSTEM Grishnova E.E. Problems of realization of social protection of police officers at the present stage Mazdogova Zaira Zaurovna To the question of qualifications of the advocate - representative in the constitutional proceedings Didyk Elina Mikhailovna The genesis of the legal regulation of inspections by the prosecutor in the pretrial stages of criminal proceedings Gracheva Olga Alexeevna On the issue of the delimitation of the concepts of “mass action” and “public event” Maraev Temirkhan Idrisovich Legal Bases Of The National Squads’ Activity In Public Order Protection Naumova Anastasiya Valerievna Priorities prosecutor's supervision over the implementation of laws on the use and protection of water bodies Zvereva Anastasiya Igorevna 10. INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC LAW, INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW The Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia Kurbanov Rashad Afatovich CONFLICTOLOGICAL ESSSENCE OF IMPERFECTION IN THE SYSTEM OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Ayvazyan Vardan N. 11. Administrative law; Administrative process About the relationship the concept of «governance», «Executive power», «public administration» Uskova Albina Stanislavovna 12. OTHER JUDICIAL PENALTY TO THE EXPLANATIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Paraskevova Dina V. Preferred crimes against human health for foreign post-Soviet criminal law, committed-nye in the heat of passion Chuchelov Egor Nikolaevich The reasons for the involvement of minors in antisocial actions Nedyatko Aleksey Vladimirovich Victims in cases of rape Teymurshakhov Teymur N.