Sociopolitical Sciences

Issue №4 2017
Issue №4 2017
ISSN: 2223-0092 (print)       ISSN 2310-7065 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-172 Prev Next
1. Political problems of international relations, global and regional development. FOREIGN SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS The influence of the Cold War on modern trends in world politics from the point of view of Chinese and Russian scientists Hao L. Geopolitical features of the Caspian region Chernitsyna Sofia Yu. 2. Political institutions, processes and technologies «A political man» in Dagestan: an individual dimension of politics Musaev Idris M. Aisha A. Gadzhieva MANAGEMENT DECISIONS WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF AGRARIAN POLICY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Malozemov Sergey I. The electoral culture of students of Vladivostok Marin Egor B. 3. SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE TO THE QUESTION OF THE ETHICS OF THE SCIENCE Paveleva Tatyana Yu. 4. SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY; SOCIAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT P. I. NOVGORODTSEV ABOUT THE CORRELATION OF THE SOCIAL IDEAL AND THE PERSONALITY Sokolnikova Valentina A. 5. PHILOSOPHY OF LAW JUSTICE, FREEDOM AND EQUALITYAS THE PURPOSE OF THE SUBJECT OF LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES Balayants Mikhail S. 6. Human and civil rights and freedoms, guarantees of their provision Features of the alimony on minor children Shilovskaya Anna L. Inheritance relationship: the concept and content Lenkovskaya Renata Romanovna Forecasting of legal risks Agamirov Karen V. TO THE QUESTION OF LEGAL WARRANTIES OF CONDEMNED WOMEN WITH THE ORGANIZATION OF LABOR IN THE FIELD OF DEPRIVATION OF FREEDOM Bykov Anton Ivanovich Drozdova Elena Anatolievna Sayfullin Ranis R. Smirno Ivan S. Tarasova M. I. Blood relationship and relationship by marriage as an obstacleto marriage Belova Svetlana N. 7. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings Witchcraft as the form of religious crime in the Old-Russian legislation Sergey A. Lukyanov THE ROLE OF THE CONSTITUTION OF 1838 IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SERBIAN CONSTITUTIONALISM Polovchenko Konstantin A. INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE SOVIET UNION Manukyan Gor A. THE INSTITUTION OF «LOBBYING»: THE TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN Shafiullina Elmira Alievna 8. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law Crimes against the basis of the constitutional order and State security: notion and general characterization Alexander P. Kuznetsov Legal classification of offences against the basis of the constitutional order and state security Alexander P. Kuznetsov PROHIBITION OF ACTIVITIES OF POLITICAL PARTIES AND OTHER PUBLIC ASSOCIATIONS AS THE AUTHORITY OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT: THE EXPERIENCE OF SERBIA Polovchenko Konstantin A. PARTICULARITIES OF PROSECUTOR'S ELECTION AND TERMINATION OF POWERS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Polovchenko Konstantin A. RECIPIENTS OF FEDERAL SOCIAL PROGRAMS: THE EXPERIENCE OF SYSTEMATIZATION Kornyushkina Alla Yurikovna 9. STATE ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT LABOUR RELATIONS AND INVESTMENT IN THE PRODUCTIVE SECTOR OF THE PENAL SYSTEM Aksenov Alexander A. Sayfullin Ranis R. Kutakov Nikolay N. 10. CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY Criminalistic characterization of the personality of a criminal who commits crimes against the sexual inviolability of minors Brusentseva Vasilina A. Ykovlev Nikita A. SENTENCE, ACTIONS BASED ON THE VERDICT OF THE JURORS, AS THE SUBJECT OF THE APPEAL AND CHECK APPEAL Sukhova Olga A. Characteristics of the subject of the crime, stipulated by Art. 172. 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Zorov Peter Mikhailovich On the question of the introduction of the institute of liberation from criminal liability with the appointment of a judicial fine Poluektov Andrey Georgiyevich On the relationship of entrepreneurial relations and propertyrelations to the object of criminal legal protectionof business activities Kharkov Aleksandr Vladimirovich Grounds for the occurrence and conditions for the implementation of the criminal procedural powers of the legal representative Gazaryan Arkady Arsenovich THE PROBLEMS OF COMPENSATION OF HARM, CAUSED BY ILLEGAL ACTIONS OF ORGANS CONDUCTING CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS Kirilov Andrew S. 11. PROBLEMS OF COMBATING CORRUPTION AND TERRORISM Specific aspects of combating political terrorism Victoria A. Gauzhaeva Otarov Alim Arsenovich 12. CRIME IN THE FIELD OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CYBER CRIME ABOUT SOME METHODS OF INFORMATION SECURITY IN THE WORLD WIDE WEB Burayeva Lyudmila A. RADICALISM AND ONLINE RECRUITING ON THE INTERNET Burayeva Lyudmila A. 13. Philosophy of history and modern historical researches Different points of view in the history of Russia: world outlook Lichman Boris V. HISTORY AND WORLDVIEW Grigory I. Gerasimov 14. HISTORY AND ETHNOGRAPHY MAJOR TRENDS IN THE SPHERE OF ETHNIC CONFECTIONARY RELATIONS IN THE FINNISH-UGORSKY PEOPLE OF THE VOLGA REGION AND PRIURALYA (ON THE EXAMPLE OF MORDVA) Elena N. Mokshina Mokshin Nikolay F. 15. NATIONAL HISTORY The social aspect of the Christian faiths’ activities in Belarus (the last third of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century) on the example of the fight against alcoholism Pashkov Nikodim O.