Sociopolitical Sciences

Issue №3 2017
Issue №3 2017
ISSN: 2223-0092 (print)       ISSN 2310-7065 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-145 Prev Next
1. Political problems of international relations, global and regional development Politics of Russia and the United States in the post-Soviet space as a factor in the management of integration processes in the region Bakhlova Olga V. The potential for cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic: a comparative analysis of the national interests Sun Xiuwen 2. SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY; SOCIAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT PHILOSOPHICAL AND NON-PHILOSOPHICAL FORMS OF SOCIAL CRITICISM Bolotova Ulyana V. Bondarenko Natalia G. Tolchinskaya Tatyana I. MODERNIZATION OF SOCIAL BEING Bolotova Ulyana V. Bondarenko Natalia G. YOUTH AS INNOVACIONNO CREATIVE POTENTIAL OF THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF BASHKORTOSTAN Igebaeva Fania A. 3. PHILOSOPHY OF LAW «Antilogy»: Origins and Essence Lepeshko Boris M. Lepeshko Alexander B. Is the «Logic of discovery» possible Lepeshko Boris M. Metaphysics of the Ideal Crime: Opportunities and Reality Lepeshko Boris M. 4. Human and civil rights and freedoms, guarantees of their provision PROBLEMS OF FORMATION OF JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF THE EUROASIAN ECONOMIC UNION Malko Alexander V. Elistratova Valentina V. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES OF LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES OF THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF RUSSIA TO ENSURING MIGRATORY SAFETY IN MODERN CONDITIONS Lyannoy Vladimir A. THE ROLE OF PROTECTOR OF CITIZENS IN THE SYSTEM OF HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Polovchenko Konstantin A. The personal security in the mechanism of realization of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens on the example of the institution of state protection Volkov Sergey S. Guaranteeing rights of infants in the course of verification of a crime report Kucherov Grigory Nikolaevich Some problems in the order of publication non-procedural appeals in the Internet Rudov Anton Y. The information in the system of public administration: concept, meaning Hohlov Vyacheslav A. 5. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings State compulsion: the essential aspects Kozhevnikov Sergey N. 6. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law MUNICIPAL LEGAL ACT AS RESULT OF MUNICIPAL LAW-MAKING Eremin Alexey R. Kulagin Sergey V. EXECUTIVE BODIES OF AUTONOMOUS ENTITY: STATUS AND POWERS Polovchenko Konstantin A. THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT AS THE BEARER OF SPECIAL POWERS Polovchenko Konstantin A. 7. STATE ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT Tax administration in the Russian Federation: organizational and legal problems Majors Vladimir I. About the new externally active way of implementing administrative-legal method of implementing the control and Supervisory functions of the state in the field of fire safety Antipov Evgeny G. About some of the issues under consideration cases on administrative offences in the sphere of customs regulation Cheskidova Svetlana A. 8. EFFECTIVE COUNTERING TO CRIME IN THE CONDITIONS OF GLOBALIZATION: PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES International scientific and practical conference, May 26-27, 2017, Nalchik THE STUDY OF METHODS OF OBTAINING DATA ABOUT THE IDENTITY OF THE CRIMINAL IN THE INVESTIGATION OF CRIMES (ON THE EXAMPLE OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF THE MIA OF RUSSIA) Marina A. Nagoeva FEATURES OF COUNTER-TERRORISM AND EXTREMISM ON THE TERRITORY THE NORTH CAUCASUS REGION Azamat M. Fakov Main trends in the development of the Institute head of the municipal formation on the lower level POWER in Russia Zhamborov Anzor Anatolievich 9. CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY On some issues of formation of criminal intent at carrying out of operative experiment Vlasov Dmitry A. CORRELATION OF THE CRIMES FIXED IN THE ARTICLES 360 AND 361 OF THE CRIMINAL CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Kulichkov Alexey A. 10. CRIME IN THE FIELD OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CYBER CRIME Criminological conditionality of responsibilityfor crimes in the sphere of computer information Pelevina Alla V. 11. Issues of regulation of intellectual property rights The question of the classification of copyrights and patent rights: a comparative analysis Sotavova Umgaybat K. 12. Philosophy of history and modern historical researches Civil society is the key to explaining different points of view on the history of Russia Lichman Boris V. HISTORICAL KNOWLEDGE AS A MEANS OF INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE IDENTITY IN MODERN SOCIETIES Tsifanova Irina V. 13. HISTORY AND ETHNOGRAPHY THE LAND RELATIONS UNDER CONDITIONS OF THE MORDOVIA TERRITORY IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY Sinkova Irina A. 14. FOREIGN SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS Study on Judge's Capacity on Evidence Review from the Perspective of the Revised Criminal Procedure Law of China Yuan Yi 15. The main provisions of theses INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF OWNERS' INTERESTS IN THE CIVIL RIGHT Ryzhik Andrey Vladimirovich 16. OTHER INTERNATIONAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE SEXUAL NON-MINDITY OF MINORS Alieva Elizaveta Andreevna