Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №4 2013
Issue №4 2013
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-186 Prev Next
1. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law CANADIAN EXPERIENCE OF CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Timashova Tatiana Nikolaevna Constitutional legal mechanism ensuring the unity of the legal space of the Russian Federation: the concept and content Filippov Alexander Nikolaevich 2. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings THE PRINCIPLES OF THE LEGAL REGIME Belyayeva Galina Serafimovna The Constitutional Reform of the Public Administration System in the USSR (late 80's-early 90's of the 20th century) Deryabina Ekaterina Semyonovna The modern concept of marginal behavior in the general theory of law: controversial aspects Stepanenko Raviya Faritovna The beginning of liberal and democratic reforms in the field of fight against crime of minors in RSFSR (1960-1964) Krasnov Dmitry A. Restriction of the rights and capacity foreign merchants in the Russian legislation of the XVIII century Falin Nikolay Alekseevich ПОЗДРАВЛЕНИЕ С ЮБИЛЕЕМ ПАРАСКЕВОВА СВЕТЛАНА АНДРЕЕВНА 3. CIVIL LAW, HOUSING LAW, FAMILY LAW, ENTREPRENEURIAL LAW, CIVIL PROCEDURE, ARBITRATION PROCESS RULES OF AMANDMENT AND TERMINATION OF THE SUB-LEASE AGREEMENTS AND SIMILAR AGREEMENTS: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE Ognev Vladimir Nikodimovich To whom did the simple written form of the transaction concluded concerning real estate prevent, to citizens or the state? Dontsova Tatiana Klimovna Dontsov Evgeniy Mikhailovich Once more on the social state through the eyes of Russian lawyers - slogan or reality Dontsova Tatiana Klimovna Dontsov Evgeniy Mikhailovich LEGAL BASES OF THE CONTROL SYSTEM OF ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE HIGHER VOCATIONAL TRAINING Grudtsina L.YU. ABOUT ELIMINATION OF RESTRICTIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS OF BUSINESS SUBJECTS IN SPHERE OF TRADE Sherin Vasily Vladimirovich Banks with foreign participation as subjects of the credit agreement with private persons Zakupen Andrey Vladimirovich Prospects for the development of pledge security function Kopasova Iraida Vasiljevna The fundamentals of legislation, regulating the formation of the national innovation system of the Russian Federation Studenetskaya Veronika Alexandrovna Analysis of the development of Russian legislation on the definition of those responsible for the storage and dissemination of infringing intellectual property rights on the Internet Vasichkin Kirill Alexeevich Ratio of concepts of self-organization of legal relations of transportations of passengers the motor transport with concepts «organization» and «self-government» Lerner Bogdan Efimovich JURIDICAL STATUS OF MANAGING COMPANIES, OPERATING UNDER PENSION SYSTEM OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION Soskov Vadim Victorovich 4. Employment Law; Right to social security To the question of the place in the system of labor law norms regulating the material responsibility of labor agreement parties Viktor T. Savin The concept and the legal status of the employer according to the norms of modern current Labour Code of Azerbaijan Republic Faradzhev Ali Aladdin 5. Criminal law, Criminal enforcement law, Criminology Criminal law issues and media activities Borovikova V.V. Fraud in the insurance industry in the context of the criminal legislation’s reform of the Russian Federation Mahuchiev Khadzhimurat Magomedovich Collective and individual (personal) responsibility for human rights violations in the conditions of armed conflict in the international criminal law Badlo Marina S. Public danger of theft committed by a group of persons Kuybeda Dmitry Ivanovich 6. Criminal procedure ON MAJOR NOVELS OF THE PROJECT OF THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Zaytsev Oleg Aleksandrovich Features of a judicial investigation in the appellate stage of the criminal process Mashovets Asiya Okeanovna Probative value of the data obtained by prosecutorial authorities in the pre-trial investigation Pastukhov Pavel Sisoevich Prosecutor's oversight and official control procedure for the preliminary investigation Abdul-Kadyrov Sharpuddy Muaydovich ON THE POSSIBILITY OF REDUCTION OF PROOF AS OF THE CONCLUSION OF THE PRE-TRIAL AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION Alimirsaev Alisultan Abduragimovich 7. Forensics; Forensic expertise; Operational and search activities Relations between the concepts of suppression of crime and counter extremist and terrorist activities Kuleshov Roman V. Collecting the evidence by the defense Lushkin Sergey Aleksandrovich Logical laws in proof: law of identity, law of consistency and strength of the evidence Stomina N. S. History, current state and prospects of development of psychological properties of the personality as object of criminalistic research Petrova Svetlana Igorevna 8. Judicial, prosecutorial, human rights and law enforcement activities On the order of awarding special ranks of employees of bodies of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: historical-legal research Mayurov Nikolay P. Bjalt Victor Sergeevich Gibov Vladimir Vasilievich 9. Financial law; Tax law; Budgetary law; Information Law; Administrative law; Administrative process Specifics of the interaction of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine with other public authorities Surnyk Viktor Nikolaevich Some gaps in the legal regulation of the procedural forms of evidence in administrative cases Nobel Artem Robertovich Authorized economic operator. Special simplified AS THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO customs operations Nekrasov Dmitry Victorovich