The beginning of liberal and democratic reforms in the field of fight against crime of minors in RSFSR (1960-1964)
( Pp. 39-50)

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Krasnov Dmitry A. Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Associate Professor; Chairman of the Board, deputy Head, Department of Law and Practical Jurisprudence; Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Moscow Bar Association No. 1;
Moscow, Russian Federation;
In the present article the state policy in the field of fight against crime of minors in RSFSR in 1960-1964 is investigated. Article is based on the contemporary records for the first time introduced by the author into scientific circulation; in it the analysis of sources is also given, the reasons and the factors influencing rise in crime are surveyed. Results of research are compared with the works of other authors devoted to the specified problem.
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Reference list:
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St. 21.1 UPK RSFSR (Predstavlenie organa doznaniya, sledovatelya, prokurora po ugolovnomu delu) UPK RSFSR ot 27 oktyabrya 1960 g// Vedomosti VS RSFSR ot 31 oktyabrya 1960 g. №40. st. 592.
Statisticheskie dannye o prestupnosti i pravonarusheniyakh po SSSR 1971-1988 , MVD SSSR, Glavnyy informatsionnyy tsentr.
Prestupnost i pravonarusheniya v SSSR. 1990 g : Statisticheskiy sbornik/ Moskva, Finansy i statistika 1991. Ctr. 6.
Gosudarstvennyy Arkhiv RF, fond A-461, opis 11, 12.
Zabryanskiy V.I. Sel skaya prestupnost nesovershennoletnikh //Trudnye sud by podrostkov kto vinovat .- M.: YUrid. lit., 1991.
G.M. Min kovskiy, Nekotorye voprosy izucheniya prestupnosti nesovershennoletnikh //Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Preduprezhdenie prestupnosti nesovershennoletnikh , izdatel stvo YUridicheskaya literatura Moskva 1965.
A. Dolgova, G. Min kovskiy. Defekty pravovogo soznaniya nesovershennoletnikh // Sotsialisticheskaya zakonnost , 1970, №2.
Min kovskiy G.M. Nekotorye prichiny prestupnosti nesovershennoletnikh v SSSR i mery ee preduprezhdeniya//Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1966, №5.
Crime of minors in RSFSR, statistics on juvenile delinquency, analytical report of the Prosecutor of the RSFSR, analytical reviews of the Prosecutor's office of the RSFSR, the number of juveniles who committed crimes, the number of crimes committed by juveniles, the number of convicted minors.

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