( Pp. 10-19)
More about authors
Timashova Tatiana Nikolaevna
kand. yurid. nauk, soiskatel. Dolzhnost: starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik.
Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Academy of Sciences
The article analyses the key aspects of Canadian constitutional policy since 1867, Confederation evolution. The author discovers the main tendencies of institutional development of evolving mechanism of state power and its major parameters. Federal-Provincial cooperation perspectives are in the focus.
How to Cite:
Timashova T.N., (2013), CANADIAN EXPERIENCE OF CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 10-19.
Reference list:
Brooks S. Canadian Democracy. An Introduction. McClelland Stewart Inc., 1993.
Canada. Government of Canada. 2009; Women and the Canadian State. Andrew C., Rodgers S. McGill-Queen s University Press, 1996;
Women and Leadership. Ed. by Reynolds C. and Young B. Detselig Enterprises Ltd., 1995.
Canadian Constitutional Law. Ed. by Bakan J. 3rd ed., Emond Montgomery Publications, Toronto, 2003, p.4.
Brun H., Tremblay G. Droit Constitutionnel. 3e edition. Editions Yvon Blais Inc., 1997.
Magnet J. Constitutional Law of Canada. 5th ed., Les Editions Yvon Blais Inc., 1993.
Tremblay A. Droit Constitutionnel. Principes. Les Editions Themis Inc., 1993.
Canadian Constitutional Dilemmas Revisited. Ed. by D.Magnusson. McGill-Queen s University Press, 1997.
Debating the Constitution. Ed. by Laponce J., Meiseil J. University of Ottawa Press, 1994.
Chambers T. Canadian Politics. An Introduction. Thompson Educational Publishing, 1996;
McMenemy John. The Language of Canadian Politics. A Guide to Important Terms and Concepts. Rev. ed. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1995;
Understanding Canada. Ed. by Wallace Clement. McGill-Queen s University Press, 1996.
10Brooks S. Public Policy in Canada. 2nd ed.McClelland Stewart Inc., 1993.
Webber J. Reimaging Canada. Language, Culture, Community and the Canadian Constitution. McGill-Queen s University Press, 1993.
Canada. Government of Canada. 2009. p.26.
Sharp R., Roach K. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2005, p.22.
Monahan P. Constitutional Law. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2006. p. 231.
Canadian Constitutional Law. Ed. by Bakan J. 3rd ed., Emond Montgomery Publications, Toronto, 2003, p.20.
Sharp R., Roach K. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2005, p.24.
The British North America Act of 1867 // http: //
A Consolidation of the Constitution Acts 1867 to 1982. Department of Justice. Canada. Ottawa, 1989.
The Tremblay Report: Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Constitutional Problems. Toronto, 1973.
The Charter, Federalism and the Constitution. Ed. by McRoberts K. International Council for Canadian Studies, 1993.
Cheffins and Tucker. The Constitutional Process in Canada. 2nd ed. 1976. p.4.
Manfredi C. Judicial Power and the Charter. Canada and the Paradox of Liberal Constitutionalism. McClelland Stewart Inc., 1993.
ZH. Boduen. Gosudarstvennoe ustroystvo Kanady. // SSHA: ekonomika, politika, ideologiya. №8, 1990, s.119.
Funston B.W., Meehan E. Canada s Constitutional Law in a Nutshell. 3rd ed. Thomson Carswell, Toronto, 2003, p.8.
J.I.Little. State and Society in Transition. McGill-Queen s University Press, 1997.
W.L. Morton. The Kingdom of Canada. 2nd ed., McClelland Steward, 1969, p.320.
A.Heard. Canadian Constitutional Conventions, The Marriage of Law and Politics. University of Toronto Press, 1991, p.1.
Forsey E.A. How Canadians Govern Themselves. Canada, Ottawa, 1988, p.15.
Funston B., Meehan E. Canada s Constitutional Law in a Nutshell. 3rd ed. Thomson Carswell, Toronto, 2003, p.17
ZH. Boduen. Gosudarstvennoe ustroystvo Kanady. / SSHA: ekonomika, politika, ideologiya. №8, 1990, s.121.
Hogg P. Constitutional Law of Canada. 5th ed.Thompson Carswell, Scarborough, 2007. Vol.I. p.57.
The Role of the United Kingdom in the Amendment of the Canadian Constitution. Ottawa, 1981, p.1.
Tremblay A. La Reforme de la Constitution au Canada. Montreal: Les Editions Themis, 1995.
Dawson R.M. The Government of Canada, 5th ed. University of Toronto Press, 1970, p.59.
Heard A. Canadian Constitutional Conventions, The Marriage of Law and Politics. University of Toronto Press, 1991, p.5.
Hogg P. Constitutional Law of Canada. 5th ed.Thompson Carswell, Scarborough, 2007. Vol.I. p.2.
Monahan P. Constitutional Law. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2006. p. 13.
Monahan P. Constitutional Law. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2006. p. 14.
Dicey A.V. Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution. 10th ed., Macmillan, London, 1959, p.40.
Monahan P. Constitutional Law. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2006. p. 20.
Monahan P. Constitutional Law. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2006. p. 22.
Magnet J. Official Languages of Canada. Editions Yvon Blais Inc., 1995.
Justice for Natives: Searching for Common Ground. Ed. by Morrison Andrea P., McGill-Queen s University Press, 1997.
Elliot D. Law and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. 3rd ed.,Captus Press, 1997.
Lajoie A., Brisson J.-M., Normand S. et Bissonnette Alain. Le Statut Juridique des Peuples Autochtones Au Quebec et le Pluralisme. Editions Yvon Blais Inc., 1996.
Noel M. The Native Peoples of Quebec. Les Editions Sylvain Harvey. 1997.
Aboriginal Issues Today. Ed. by Smart S., Coyle M. Self-Counsel Press, 1997.
Grammond S. Traites entre L Etat Canadien et les Peuples Autochtones. Editions Yvon Blais Inc., 1995.
W.Hildebrandt, D.Rider, S.Carter. The True Spirit and Original Intent of Treaty 7. McGill-Queen s University Press, 1996.
Dupuis R. Tribus, Peuples et Nations. Les nouveaux enjeux des revendications autochtones au Canada. Les Editions du Boreal, 1997.
Aboriginal Peoples and the Justice System. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Canada Communication Group Publishing, 1993.
Partners in the Confederation. Aboriginal Peoples, Self-Government and the Constitution. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Canada Communication Group Publishing, 1993.
Boldt M. Surviving as Indians. The Challenge of Self-Government. University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People. Final Report. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Canadian Government Publishing. Five volumes. 1996.
Canada. Government of Canada. 2009; Women and the Canadian State. Andrew C., Rodgers S. McGill-Queen s University Press, 1996;
Women and Leadership. Ed. by Reynolds C. and Young B. Detselig Enterprises Ltd., 1995.
Canadian Constitutional Law. Ed. by Bakan J. 3rd ed., Emond Montgomery Publications, Toronto, 2003, p.4.
Brun H., Tremblay G. Droit Constitutionnel. 3e edition. Editions Yvon Blais Inc., 1997.
Magnet J. Constitutional Law of Canada. 5th ed., Les Editions Yvon Blais Inc., 1993.
Tremblay A. Droit Constitutionnel. Principes. Les Editions Themis Inc., 1993.
Canadian Constitutional Dilemmas Revisited. Ed. by D.Magnusson. McGill-Queen s University Press, 1997.
Debating the Constitution. Ed. by Laponce J., Meiseil J. University of Ottawa Press, 1994.
Chambers T. Canadian Politics. An Introduction. Thompson Educational Publishing, 1996;
McMenemy John. The Language of Canadian Politics. A Guide to Important Terms and Concepts. Rev. ed. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1995;
Understanding Canada. Ed. by Wallace Clement. McGill-Queen s University Press, 1996.
10Brooks S. Public Policy in Canada. 2nd ed.McClelland Stewart Inc., 1993.
Webber J. Reimaging Canada. Language, Culture, Community and the Canadian Constitution. McGill-Queen s University Press, 1993.
Canada. Government of Canada. 2009. p.26.
Sharp R., Roach K. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2005, p.22.
Monahan P. Constitutional Law. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2006. p. 231.
Canadian Constitutional Law. Ed. by Bakan J. 3rd ed., Emond Montgomery Publications, Toronto, 2003, p.20.
Sharp R., Roach K. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2005, p.24.
The British North America Act of 1867 // http: //
A Consolidation of the Constitution Acts 1867 to 1982. Department of Justice. Canada. Ottawa, 1989.
The Tremblay Report: Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Constitutional Problems. Toronto, 1973.
The Charter, Federalism and the Constitution. Ed. by McRoberts K. International Council for Canadian Studies, 1993.
Cheffins and Tucker. The Constitutional Process in Canada. 2nd ed. 1976. p.4.
Manfredi C. Judicial Power and the Charter. Canada and the Paradox of Liberal Constitutionalism. McClelland Stewart Inc., 1993.
ZH. Boduen. Gosudarstvennoe ustroystvo Kanady. // SSHA: ekonomika, politika, ideologiya. №8, 1990, s.119.
Funston B.W., Meehan E. Canada s Constitutional Law in a Nutshell. 3rd ed. Thomson Carswell, Toronto, 2003, p.8.
J.I.Little. State and Society in Transition. McGill-Queen s University Press, 1997.
W.L. Morton. The Kingdom of Canada. 2nd ed., McClelland Steward, 1969, p.320.
A.Heard. Canadian Constitutional Conventions, The Marriage of Law and Politics. University of Toronto Press, 1991, p.1.
Forsey E.A. How Canadians Govern Themselves. Canada, Ottawa, 1988, p.15.
Funston B., Meehan E. Canada s Constitutional Law in a Nutshell. 3rd ed. Thomson Carswell, Toronto, 2003, p.17
ZH. Boduen. Gosudarstvennoe ustroystvo Kanady. / SSHA: ekonomika, politika, ideologiya. №8, 1990, s.121.
Hogg P. Constitutional Law of Canada. 5th ed.Thompson Carswell, Scarborough, 2007. Vol.I. p.57.
The Role of the United Kingdom in the Amendment of the Canadian Constitution. Ottawa, 1981, p.1.
Tremblay A. La Reforme de la Constitution au Canada. Montreal: Les Editions Themis, 1995.
Dawson R.M. The Government of Canada, 5th ed. University of Toronto Press, 1970, p.59.
Heard A. Canadian Constitutional Conventions, The Marriage of Law and Politics. University of Toronto Press, 1991, p.5.
Hogg P. Constitutional Law of Canada. 5th ed.Thompson Carswell, Scarborough, 2007. Vol.I. p.2.
Monahan P. Constitutional Law. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2006. p. 13.
Monahan P. Constitutional Law. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2006. p. 14.
Dicey A.V. Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution. 10th ed., Macmillan, London, 1959, p.40.
Monahan P. Constitutional Law. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2006. p. 20.
Monahan P. Constitutional Law. 3rd ed. Irwin Law Inc., Toronto, 2006. p. 22.
Magnet J. Official Languages of Canada. Editions Yvon Blais Inc., 1995.
Justice for Natives: Searching for Common Ground. Ed. by Morrison Andrea P., McGill-Queen s University Press, 1997.
Elliot D. Law and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. 3rd ed.,Captus Press, 1997.
Lajoie A., Brisson J.-M., Normand S. et Bissonnette Alain. Le Statut Juridique des Peuples Autochtones Au Quebec et le Pluralisme. Editions Yvon Blais Inc., 1996.
Noel M. The Native Peoples of Quebec. Les Editions Sylvain Harvey. 1997.
Aboriginal Issues Today. Ed. by Smart S., Coyle M. Self-Counsel Press, 1997.
Grammond S. Traites entre L Etat Canadien et les Peuples Autochtones. Editions Yvon Blais Inc., 1995.
W.Hildebrandt, D.Rider, S.Carter. The True Spirit and Original Intent of Treaty 7. McGill-Queen s University Press, 1996.
Dupuis R. Tribus, Peuples et Nations. Les nouveaux enjeux des revendications autochtones au Canada. Les Editions du Boreal, 1997.
Aboriginal Peoples and the Justice System. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Canada Communication Group Publishing, 1993.
Partners in the Confederation. Aboriginal Peoples, Self-Government and the Constitution. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Canada Communication Group Publishing, 1993.
Boldt M. Surviving as Indians. The Challenge of Self-Government. University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People. Final Report. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Canadian Government Publishing. Five volumes. 1996.
Canada, the mechanism of state power, Patricia of the Constitution, federalism, the prospects for Federal-provincial dialogue, the indigenous population.
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