Economic Problems and Legal Practice

Issue №2 2021
Issue №2 2021
ISSN: 2541-8025 (print)       ISSN 2712-7605 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-347 Prev Next
1. NATIONAL ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT 08.00.05 Strategic paradigm in the context of the world economy depression and a large-scale pandemic
DOI: 10.33693/2541-8025-2021-17-2-18-24

Adik T. Aliev Saveliev Viktor N. Saveliev Andrey V. Improving customs and tax administration in the new economic environment
DOI: 10.33693/2541-8025-2021-17-2-25-37

Kostin Aleksey A. Sustainable development of economic entities: state and prospects of development Lyudmila A. Kostygova The development of the corporate pension scheme in the electrical energy industry Kiryukhin S. V. Mechanism for identifying and eliminating the consequences of illegal activities in the forest industry: organizational and economic dimension
DOI: 10.33693/2541-8025-2021-17-2-50-54

Vladimir A. Plotnikov Marina A. Bulgakova Methods for implementing state policy in the field of land management in the era of digitalization Solovtsov Aleksey O. Trends, problems and prospects of modernization and development of agricultural engineering in Russia Solodovnikova Natalia A. Methods for selecting the optimal portfolio of projects with limited investment capital of the company to ensure the required energy efficiency Esenov Maxim K. Sarkisov David A. Kevorkova Zhanna A. Assessing the performance of the creative industries in the context of the pandemic Korenkov A. O. Impact of digitalization and improvement of the tax administration system on the shadow economy Nikita O. Komolov 2. FINANCE, CASH AND CREDIT 08.00.10 The impact of environmental turbulence on the financial strategy of federal retail chain companies in the context of food security Vladimir F. Gaponenko Trends and prospects for the development of the Russian banking sector and its impact on the regional financial system Pozdnyakov Konstantin K. Digital model of effective taxation in Russia Viktor V. Moroz Currency substitution, financial innovation and monetary policy effectiveness in Nigeria Ofem Lekam Ujong 3. ACCOUNTING, STATISTICS 08.00.12 Modernization of accounting, analytical and control processes in the conditions of digitalization of the economy Margarita V. Melnik Suglobov Alexander E. Analysis of publication activity in the field of business reporting language XBRL Spitsina Daria V. Sitnov Alexey A. The future of corporate reporting Bogataya Irina N. Trends in accounting policy improvement due to the evolution of reporting paradigms Rumyantseva Vera M. Impact of digitalization on the organization of internal control system Nguyen Thi Ha My Features of departmental control of purchases Levandovskaia Anastasiia M. Digitalization within Internal Control and Audit in the Public Sector Giniyatullina Diana R. COBIT standard as an audit tool of government information systems Bubnova Margarita E. 4. MATHEMATICAL AND INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF ECONOMICS 08.00.13 Econometric analysis of Russian Federation’s banking system Ilona V. Tregub Musalaev Zakarya M. Tregub Andrey V. Forecasting national income based on a modified Keynesian model Natalia V. Kontsevaya The dynamics of accounting reports as an indicator of the deterioration in bank’s financial standing Shurakova Daria A. 5. THEORY AND HISTORY OF LAW AND STATE; HISTORY OF LAW AND STATE TEACHINGS 12.00.01 Main directions of improvement of legal technique using digital technologies Barzilova Inna Sergeevna Problems of formation of the actual composition Tsukanova Elena Yurievna 6. THEORY AND HISTORY OF LAW AND STATE; HISTORY OF LAW AND STATE TEACHINGS 12.00.01 Theoretical aspects of the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to quality food and a decent standard of living (history and modernity) Belkharoev Khadzhimurad U. 7. CIVIL LAW, BUSINESS LAW, FAMILY LAW; PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW 12.00.03 Prosecutor's supervision in the field of investment activity in the territories of advanced socio-economic development (on the example of the Far Eastern Federal District)
DOI: 10.33693/2541-8025-2021-17-2-202-207

Shpinev Yury S. Features of extending the term of the land lease agreement Cheremukhin Viacheslav V. To the question of responsibility for failure to pay funds for the maintenance of children or disabled parents Akkaeva Halimat Alievna Insolvency law in the context of European Union law Mendrej Matúš Kútiková Michaela 8. FINANCIAL LAW; TAX LAW; BUDGETARY LAW 12.00.04 Tax monitoring in the system of State financial control
DOI: 10.33693/2541-8025-2021-17-2-222-227

Elena S. Ivanova Tax audits in the tax control system Davydova Mariam Alexandrovna Abramov K. K. Ryzhko N. D. On the issue of the place of public financial control in the financial law system Antroptseva Irina O. Actual problems of legal regulation of financial supervision of the stability of financial markets by national and international regulators Sorochkin Alexey Alexandrovich Features of the international financial standards implementation process Anton V. Abrosimov 9. EMPLOYMENT LAW; RIGHT TO SOCIAL SECURITY 12.00.05 Possibilities of using the «relationship principle» in relations between the Russian Federation and the PRC with the purpose of ensuring the rights of labor migrants Abdullaev Elshan E. оgli Innovations in the legal regulation of teleworking Evgenia V. Sagitova 10. CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY; CRIMINAL ENFORCEMENT LAW 12.00.08 Integration of digital technologies into preliminary investigations: problems, forecasts Zaurbi L. Shkhagapsoev Topical issues in countering crimes against population health Akkaeva Halimat Alievna The concept and state of economic crime in the field of agro-industrial complex Bondar Anton Gennadievich On the question of some features of the unified state registers as the subject of a crime
DOI: 10.33693/2541-8025-2021-17-2-277-284

Petrova Inessa V. Bribery as a legal category and its features in the sphere of state and municipal procurement abstract Morozov Ruslan A. 11. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE 12.00.09 Temporary suspension of the suspect and the accused: the grounds and the procedural order of application Fadeeva Elena I. 12. INTERNATIONAL LAW; EUROPEAN LAW 12.00.10 The OECD's Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) Global Initiative Avshalumov Maxim A. 13. JUDICIAL, PROSECUTORIAL, HUMAN RIGHTS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES 12.00.11 Topical problems of proving in criminal proceedings of the Russian Federation Ruslan R. Kardanov Zaurbi L. Shkhagapsoev 14. FORENSICS; FORENSIC EXPERTISE; OPERATIONAL AND SEARCH ACTIVITIES 12.00.12 On the perspectives of digital technologies using in criminology Burayeva Lyudmila A. Timur M. Shogenov Youth extremism in Russia: features of its manifestation Korovaynaya Yulia Vladimirovna 15. INFORMATION LAW 12.00.13 Modern problems of legal regulation of the digital economy of the Russian Federation Zhukov Azamat Zaurbekovich Ingushev Cherim Kh. Khochueva Fazilya A. Features of legal regulation of cloud technologies in Russia and abroad Gostev Yaroslav S. 16. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW; ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS 12.00.14 New directions, forms and technologies of higher education in the light of legal regulation of integration and digital transformation Shaydullina Venera Kamilevna Legal bases of state regulation of the activity of corporations with state participation Albert V. Pavlyuk Veryga Valeriy Lvovich 17. MISCELLANEOUS Digitalization in the social sphere Ignatieva Irina V. Vlasova Elena L. Zedgenizova Irina I. 08.00.13 Математические и инструментальные методы экономики Application of the Samuelson-Hicks model in the conditions of modern economy of Namibia Republic Ilona V. Tregub Gubzhokov Anuar M. 12.00.08 Уголовное право и криминология; уголовно-исполнительное право Some reflections on measures of countering the illegal traffic of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues Akkaeva Halimat Alievna