The Expert Opinion as One of the Types of Sources of Procedural Evidences
( Pp. 138-152)
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Mustafayev Mubariz Hasrat oglu
docent kafedry Kriminalistiki i sudebnoy ekspertizy Bakinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, doktor nauk po pravu.
Baku State University
Baku, Azerbaijan Asgarov Bakhsheyish Mammad oglu docent kafedry Kriminalistiki i sudebnoy ekspertizy Bakinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, doktor filosofii po pravu.
Baku State University
Baku, Azerbaijan Abbasova Nargiz Abas kizi prepodavatel kafedry Kriminalistiki i sudebnoy ekspertizy Bakinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, doktor filosofii po pravu.
Baku State University
Baku, Azerbaijan
Baku State University
Baku, Azerbaijan Asgarov Bakhsheyish Mammad oglu docent kafedry Kriminalistiki i sudebnoy ekspertizy Bakinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, doktor filosofii po pravu.
Baku State University
Baku, Azerbaijan Abbasova Nargiz Abas kizi prepodavatel kafedry Kriminalistiki i sudebnoy ekspertizy Bakinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, doktor filosofii po pravu.
Baku State University
Baku, Azerbaijan
The presented article is devoted to topical problems of using an expert opinion in criminal proceedings. According to the authors, these problems are divided into three groups: criminal law, criminal procedure and practical. In this study, in a strict scientific and logical sequence, the techniques that determine the existence of these problems have been identified and the ways of their solution have been described in detail.
How to Cite:
Mustafayev M.H., Asgarov B.M., Abbasova N.A., (2021), THE EXPERT OPINION AS ONE OF THE TYPES OF SOURCES OF PROCEDURAL EVIDENCES. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 5 => 138-152.
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Asgarov, B.M, Mustafayev, M.H. Justification of the cognition subject problem in the methodology of contemporary human // Opcion / Venezuela: Universidad del Zulia, Vol. 34, N m. 86-2 (2018), - pp.376-384
Averyanova T.V., Belkin R.S., Korukhov Yu.G., Rossinskaya E.R. Forensic science: a textbook for universities / Ed. R.S. Belkina. - M .: NORMA-INFRA, 1999 .-- 990 p.
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Askerov, B.M. Methodological aspects of the study of the principles of ORD / Materials of the international scientific and practical conference: "Legal problems of combating crime and other offenses." Surgut, 2013, pp. 10-13.
Baev, O. Ya. Encroachments on evidentiary information and evidence in criminal proceedings. - M .: Jurlitinform. 2010 .-- 432 p.
Vagin, O.A., Isichenko A.P., Shabanov G.Kh. Operational-search measures and the use of their results. Educational-practical guide. - M .: Publishing House Shumilova I.I., - 2006 .-- 119 p.
Hegel, G.V.F. Science of logic. - M .: Mysl, 1998 .-- 1067 p.
Javadov, F.M. Expert activity and development of forensic science / F.M. Javadov. - Baku: Elm, 1998 .-- 188 p.
Dolya, E.A. Formation of evidence based on the results of operational-search activities. - M .: Prospect. 2013 .-- 376 p.
Zakhartsev, S.I., Ignashenkov Yu.Yu., Salnikov V.P. Operational search activity in the XXI century. - M .: Norma, 2015 .-- 400 p.
Koni, A.F. From the memoirs and notes of the judge. - SPb., 1905 .-- 100s.
Korukhov, Yu.G. The reliability of the expert opinion and the improvement of its assessment // Questions of the theory of forensic examination and improvement of the activities of forensic institutions. Sat. scientific works of VNIISE. - M., 1986, S. 4-27.
Kulieva, M.S. The setting of a crime as an element of its forensic characteristics. - Baku: Ganun, 2003, - 120 p.
Montesquieu, Sh.L. About the spirit of laws. - M .: Mysl, 1999 .-- 671 p.
Mustafaev, M.Kh. Problems of methods of investigation of crimes against justice committed by law enforcement officers (based on the materials of the Republic of Azerbaijan): dissertation…. Dr. jurid. sciences. Baku, 2014, 421 p.
Mustafaev, M.Kh. Problems of methods of investigation of crimes against justice committed by law enforcement officers (based on the materials of the Republic of Azerbaijan): author. diss. ... Dr. jurid. sciences. Baku, 2014, 421 p.
Mustafaev M.Kh. Philosophical and legal problems of the forensic methods of investigation of certain types of crimes. - Baku: Digesta, 2008 .-- 187 p.
Mustafaev M.Kh. Poverty of methodology in modern political and legal research. - Baku: Qanun, 2006, No. 12, p.
Obraztsov, V.A. Identification and exposure of the offender. - M .: Yurist, 1997 .-- 336 p.
Pobedkin, A.V. Proof of criminal procedure. - M .: Jurlitinform, 2009, - 416 p.
Rudenko, A.V. Substantial logic of proof. - M .: Prospect, - 2017, - 208 p.
Soviet criminal process: textbook / Ed. L.M. Karneeva and P.A.Lupinskaya. M .: Legal literature. 1980.568 p.
Theory of state and law: A course of lectures / Ed. N.I. Matuzova, A.V. Malko. -M .: Infra-M, 2015. - 640 p.
Trukhachev, V.V. Criminal influence on evidence-based information. - Voronezh: publishing house of Voronezh State University, 2000 .-- 232 p.
Criminal law of Russia: Practical course / Ed. A.V. Naumova. - M .: Volters Kluver, 2010 .-- 800 p.
Criminal law: commonly. part / ed. B.V. Zdravomyslova. M .: Yurist, 1996 .-- 479 p.
Shakhbanova, A.I. some problems of the efficiency of justice at the trial stage. - Baku: Hüquq Yayın Evi, 2020 .-- 222 p.
Sheifer S.A. Evidence and proving in criminal cases: problems of theory and legal regulation: monograph / Sheifer S.A. - M .: Norma, Infra-M, 2014 .-- 240 p.
Asgarov, B.M, Mustafayev, M.H. Justification of the cognition subject problem in the methodology of contemporary human // Opcion / Venezuela: Universidad del Zulia, Vol. 34, N m. 86-2 (2018), - pp.376-384
forensic examination, expert opinion, expert opinion, sources of procedural evidence, forensic evidence.
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