MainAuthors Mustafayev Mubariz Hasrat oglu docent kafedry Kriminalistiki i sudebnoy ekspertizy Bakinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, doktor nauk po pravu. Baku State University , Baku, Azerbaijan ARTICLES: THE CONCEPT OF FORENSIC CHARACTERISTIC OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH SUBJECT OF FORENSIC SCIENCE (First part) Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №8 2016: 298-306 THE CONCEPT OF FORENSIC CHARACTERISTIC OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH SUBJECT OF FORENSIC SCIENCE (First part) Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №1 2018: 92-98 On certain problems of using operative search information in criminal proceedings Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №4 2017: 68-76 The Expert Opinion as One of the Types of Sources of Procedural Evidences Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №5 2021: 138-152