The Relevance of Self-learning Organizations in the Modern Economy
( Pp. 226-230)

More about authors
Tuktarova Amina N. Assistant of the Department of Management
Astrakhan State University
Astrahan', Russian Federation Yulia A. Zurnadzhyants Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of economics and health care management with postgraduate course
Astrakhan State Medical University
Astrakhan, Russian Federation Malvina R. Karabasheva Senior Lecturer, Department of Audit and Corporate Reporting
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Task. Despite the fact that the issue of self-learning organizations was considered more than 40 years ago, it is still relevant in the modern world. The macroenvironment of the enterprise has always been characterized by a high degree of volatility, which has led to the importance of creating self-learning organizations, the main task of which is flexibility and the ability to adapt to these conditions. The modern development of the economy and the impact of the pandemic further confirms the need for organizations to move from traditional to self-learning. Making this transition is essential for the organization to remain competitive in its market. Model. The authors proposed the use of a well-known methodology for assessing the need for the formation of self-learning organizations, P. Senge, supplemented by the sixth discipline - readiness for digitalization. The modernization of this issue indicates the need for its practical application. Conclusions. The methodology presented in the article will allow companies to assess their need to move from a traditional organization to a self-learning one. If a company is not ready for digital transformation, then it does not have the necessary resources to implement the concept of self-learning organizations. There is a definite relationship between the transition to self-learning organizations and the willingness of companies to apply digital technologies in their activities. Practical value. The proposed methodology for assessing the need to form a self-learning organization, which consists in supplementing it with the sixth discipline, can be used by enterprises of any industry, because the digital transformation of business affects all sectors of the economy. Originality. The proposal to supplement the existing methodology for assessing the need for a transition to self-learning organizations is relevant, because digitalization is actively entering all spheres of life. It is the readiness of enterprises for digital transformation that testifies to their readiness to implement the principles of a self-learning organization, which in modern conditions of economic development is an important indicator of competitiveness. Modern enterprises must be flexible and able to quickly respond to changes in the external environment in order to remain effective. Changes are also taking place in the modern labor market: the new generation Z, which values the company's flexibility and innovation, is ready to learn, ready to change, ready to retrain. Therefore, company leaders need to change the management system, it is necessary to follow the principles of a self-learning organization.
How to Cite:
Tuktarova A.N., Yulia A.Z., Malvina R.K., (2021), THE RELEVANCE OF SELF-LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MODERN ECONOMY. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 226-230.
Reference list:
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