Digital transformation for the business of the EAEU countries
( Pp. 170-173)

More about authors
Givargizova Lidia S. aspirant
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
The formation and development of the digital space of the Eurasian Economic Union is a prerequisite for the economic development of the EAEU countries and, in general, meeting the global challenges of technological innovation development and digital transformation of the economy of the Union countries. Based on the increasing role of digital ecosystems, in-depth changes are taking place in the models for creating and distributing value added. The classical system is changing, models of integration associations are changing. The creation of a single digital platform is necessary for the development of digital ecosystems of the countries of the Eurasian Union and is very important for maintaining the global competitiveness of the economies of the countries of the Union. In the literature, traditionally, the focus is on the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship. From this perspective, new innovations are accompanied by digital transformations that increase value creation. However, it is also important to consider the impact of digital dividends on society as a whole, as well as on entrepreneurial activity. Studies usually do not consider this last possibility, and in the case of the EAEU, it is also necessary to consider the threats of competition from countries outside the union. This article analyzes the theoretical and quantitative effects of digital transformation within the union and the possible takeover by the Chinese market.
How to Cite:
Givargizova L.S., (2020), DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION FOR THE BUSINESS OF THE EAEU COUNTRIES. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 170-173.
Reference list:
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