Digital Transformation of Industry: Assessing the Maturity of Organizations
( Pp. 216-221)
More about authors
Dontsova Olesya I.
Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Academic Department of Economic theory, Leading researcher of the Institute
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Niyaz M. Abdikeev Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Director of the Institute of Financial and Industrial Policy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Susanna R. Bekulova Junior Researcher at the Institute of Financial and Industrial Policy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Niyaz M. Abdikeev Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Director of the Institute of Financial and Industrial Policy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Susanna R. Bekulova Junior Researcher at the Institute of Financial and Industrial Policy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The global trend of digital transformation, as a natural stage in the development of any organization, takes place in new socio-economic conditions for it and requires the development of general models for the flow of this process, as well as systems for assessing the achievements of the main indicators of digital development. The purpose of the work is to analyze approaches to determining and assessing the digital maturity of economic entities and identifying trends in the development of its methods. The object of the study is the process of digital transformation of the economy. The subject of the study is the methodology for assessing the level of digital maturity of organizations. The methodological basis of this study is the fundamentals of systemic and comparative analysis, methods of synthesis, induction and deduction. The authors demonstrate that the term «digital maturity» has become widespread in almost all areas of the economy. Using the example of domestic experience, it is shown that the issues of assessing digital maturity are relevant at all levels of government, including the state. The main components of the growth of digital maturity of organizations are identified. As a result of the analysis of the methods, it was revealed that the number of analyzed areas of the organization's activities to assess the level of its digital maturity is expanding-from the analysis of the technical and technological foundations of activity to the qualifications of personnel and IT-philosophy.
How to Cite:
Dontsova O.I., Niyaz M.A., Susanna R.B., (2022), DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF INDUSTRY: ASSESSING THE MATURITY OF ORGANIZATIONS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 5 => 216-221.
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Gileva T.A. Enterprise Digital Maturity: Assessment and Management Methods. Vestnik UGNTU. Science, education, economics. Series: Economy = Vestnik UGNTU. Nauka, obrazovanie, ekonomika. Seriya: Ekonomika. 2019;1(27):38-52. doi 10.17122/2541-8904-2019-1-27-38-52. (In Russ.).
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Leipzig T., Gamp M., Manz D., Sch ttle K., Ohlhausen P., Oosthuizen G., Palm D., Leipzig K. Initialising customer-oriented digital transformation in enterprises. Procedia Manufacturing. 2017, vol. 8, pp. 517-524. doi: 10.1016/j.promfg.2017.02.066.
Derizemlya V.E., Ter-Grigoryants A.A. Methodological provisions for assessing the digital maturity of economic systems. Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series: Economics = Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya: Ekonomika. 2021; 1:39-55. doi: 10.22363/2313-2329-2021-29-1-39-55 (In Russ.).
Ustundag A., Cevikcan E. Industry 4.0: Managing the Digital Transformation, Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing; 2018. 286 r. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-57870-5
Carolis D., Macchi M., Negri E., Terzi S. Guiding manufacturing companies towards digitalization a methodology for supporting manufacturing companies in defining their digitalization roadmap. 2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC). Madeira: IEEE, 2017, pp. 487-495. doi: 10.1109/ICE.2017.8279925.
Philipp R. Digital readiness index assessment towards smart port development. Sustainability Management Forum. 2020; 28: 49-60. doi: 10.1007/s00550-020-00501-5
Bannykh G.A. Conceptualization of the digital concept of university maturity in a high degree of digital transformation of higher education. Bulletin of Maikop State Technological University = Vestnik Majkopskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta. 2022; 1:110-120. doi: 10.47370/2078-1024-2022-14-1-110-120.
Popov E.V., Simonova V.L., Cherepanov V.V. Levels of digital maturity of an industrial enterprise. Journal of New Economics = Journal of New Economics. 2021; 2:88-109. doi: 10.29141/2658-5081-2021-22-2-5 (In Russ.).
Kurlov V.V., Kosukhina M.A., Kurlov A.V. Model for assessing the digital maturity of an industrial enterprise. Economics and Management = Ekonomika i upravlenie. 2022;28(5):439-451. doi: 10.35854/1998-1627-2022-5-439-451(In Russ.)
Kuzmin P.S. Industrial digitalization: аn empirical assessment of the digital maturity of enterprises. Strategic decisions and risk management = Strategicheskie resheniya i risk-menedzhment. 2021;12(3):220-235. doi:10.17747/2618-947X-2021-3-220-235 (In Russ.)
digital transformation, digital maturity, digital readiness, digital technologies, digital integration, digital competitiveness, digitalization, business model.
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