Efficiency of Activated Nano-Heterojunctions on Silicon and Silicon Carbide Substrates
( Pp. 91-102)
More about authors
Dolgopolov Mikhail V.
Samara State Technical University
Samara, Russian Federation Elisov Maksim V.
Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev
Samara, Russian Federation Radzhapov Sali A.
Institute of Physics and Technology of the Scientific and Production Association “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Chepurnov Viktor I. Chipura Alexander S.
Samara State Technical University
Samara, Russian Federation Elisov Maksim V.
Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev
Samara, Russian Federation Radzhapov Sali A.
Institute of Physics and Technology of the Scientific and Production Association “Physics-Sun” of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan Chepurnov Viktor I. Chipura Alexander S.
The concept, model, and examples of activated nanoscale heterojunctions on special silicon carbide and silicon substrates to ensure maximum power with combined geometric and quantitative scaling of semiconductor energy converter chips are considered. The issue of maximum efficiency of energy conversion and efficiency of separation of electron-hole pairs is investigated. A variant of optimizing the scaling solution is implemented by heterojunctions with variations in the sequences of layers with an increase in the concentration and direction of movement of nonequilibrium carriers for further increasing voltage conversion with charge pumping. Numerical simulation was performed to test the model with thin layers of GaN, GaP on SiC, SiC/Si. For the first time, definitions of activation of the heterojunction and activated nanoheterojunction as a fundamental structure are proposed. The accuracy of the proposed models is compared with the accuracy of known models, and it is shown that the results obtained are better than some solutions of these models known in the literature.
How to Cite:
Dolgopolov M.V., Elisov M.V., Radzhapov S.A., Chepurnov V.I., Chipura A.S. Efficiency of Activated Nano-Heterojunctions on Silicon and Silicon Carbide Substrates. Computational Nanotechnology. 2023. Vol. 10. No. 4. Pp. 91–102. (In Rus.) DOI: 10.33693/2313-223X-2023-10-4-91-102. EDN: BBEVNK
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Dolgopolov M.V., Elisov M.V., Rajapov S.A., Chipura A.S. Scaling models of electrical properties of photo- and beta-converters with nano-heterojunctions. Computational Nanotechnology. 2023. Vol. 10. No. 1. Pp. 138–146. (In Rus.)
Gurskaya A.V., Dolgopolov M.V., Elisov M.V. et al. Combined scaling of nanochip generators for betavoltaics. Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 2023. Vol. 20. No. 5. Pp. 1088–1093.
Gurskaya A.V., Dolgopolov M.V., Radzhapov S.A., Chepurnov V.I. Contacts for SiC nano-microwatt energy converters. Bulletin of Moscow University. Series: Physics. Astronomic. 2023. No. 1. P. 2310103. (In Rus.)
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Imamov E.Z., Muminov R.A., Rakhimov R.Kh. et al. Modeling of the electrical properties of a solar cell with many nano-hetero junctions. Comp. Nanotechnol. 2022. Vol. 9. No. 4. Pp. 70–77.
Muminov R.A., Imamov E.Z., Rakhimov R.Kh., Askarov M.A. Factors of efficient generation of electricity in a solar cell with nanohetero junctions. Computational Nanotechnology. 2023. Vol. 10. No. 1. Pp. 119–127.
Imamov E.Z., Muminov R.A., Askarov M.A. et al. Calculation of the number of transitions of current carriers forming the NGP – nanoheteroperation. International Scientific Conference “Trends in the development of condensed matter physics”. Ferghana, Uzbekistan. Pp. 57–59.
Marvin Tan Xing Haw. Power-scalable betavoltaic battery. UK Patent Journal Publication. 2012. No. GB2484028 (A).
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Physics of semiconductor converters. A.N. Saurov, S.V. Bulyarsky (eds.). Moscow: RAN, 2018. 280 p.
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Milnes A.G., Feucht D.L. Heterojunctions and metal-semiconductor junctions. A.A. Gippius (transl. from English). V.S. Vavilov (ed.). Moscow: Mir, 1975. 432 p.
Dolgopolov M.V., Elisov M.V., Rakhmankulov I.R. Modeling of semiconductor heterostructures for energy converters and sensors. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “New Materials and Solar Technologies”. Parkent, Uzbekistan, May 15–16, 2023. Parkent, 2023. Pp. 86–88.
Lebedev D.M., Shishkina D.A., Shishkin I.A. et al. Growth features of 3C-SiC/Si films made by HTCVD method. Information technologies and Nanotechnology (ITNT-2023): A collection of papers based on the materials of the IX International Conference and Youth School. Samara, April 17–23, 2023. Vol. 1. Samara: Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 2023. P. 12402.
Dolgopolov M.V., Bobrik A.L., Volovich I.V. et al. Mathematical physics: Problems and Solutions of The Students Training Contest Olympiad in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (May 21–24, 2010). Vol. 4. Spec. issue. “Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics”. Samara: Samara University Press, 2010. 84 p.
Khripunov V.I., Kurbatov D.K., Subbotin M.L. Source terms and carbon-14 production rates in power fusion reactors. Questions of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Thermonuclear Fusion. 2007. No. 2. Pp. 10–17.
Nebesnyi A.F., Nam I.V., Radzhapov S.A., Pindyurin Y.S. USB analyzer for nuclear radiation spectrometry. Instruments and techniques of the experiment. 2021. No. 2. Pp. 157–159. (In Rus.)
Bouzid F., Pezzimenti F., Dehimi L. Modelling and performance analysis of a GaN-based n/p-junction betavoltaic cell. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2020. No. 969. Pp. 164103.
Kavak Yürük R., Tütüncüler H. Theoretical investigation of high-efficiency GaN–Si heterojunction betavoltaic battery. Canadian Journal of Physics. 2019. No. 97. Pp. 1031–1038.
Kang T., Kim J., Park S.K. et al. Evaluation of a betavoltaic energy converter supporting scalable modular structure. ETRI Journal. 2019.No. 41 (2). Pp. 254–261.
Chipura A.S., Dolgopolov M.V. Modeling of nanoheterojunction betavoltaic cell on GaN and GaP with Si and 3C-SiC/Si. Vestnik of Samara University. Natural Science Series. 2023. Vol. 29. No. 4. Pp. 133–142. (In Rus.)
Dolgopolov M.V., Chepurnov V.I., Chipura A.S. et al. Scaling and activation of nanoheterojunctions on silicon and silicon carbide substrates. In: International Conference “Fundamental and Applied Problems of Modern Physics”. Tashkent, 2023. Pp. 88–92.
Xiaoyi Li, Jingbin Lu, Zhanguo Chen et al. 14C diamond as energy converting material in betavoltaic battery: A first principles study. AIP Advances. 2023. No. 13 (11). P. 115314.
Yingying Zhao, Chen Zhao, Haibin Li et al. New member of micro power sources for extreme environmental explorations: X-ray-voltaic batteries. Applied Energy. 2024. No. 353. P. 122103.
Yu Wang, Jingbin Lu, Renzhou Zheng et al. Theoretical study of a high-efficiency GaP–Si heterojunction betavoltaic cell compared with metal–Si Schottky barrier betavoltaic cell. AIP Advances. 2021. No. 11. P. 065110.
Elisov M.V. Self-organization dynamics of charge carrier concentration in semiconductors due to the charge injection. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023. Vol. 31. Iss. 5. Рp. 622–627. (In Rus.)
Murphy J.W., Voss L.F., Frye C.D. et al. Design considerations for three-dimensional betavoltaics. AIP Advances. 2019. No. 9 (6). Pp. 1–10.
Chepurnov V.I., Dolgopolov M.V., Gurskaya A.V. et al. Por-SiC/Si heterostructure for applied purposes. In: International Conference “Electronics – 2015”: Abstracts of reports. Moscow, 2015. P. 13.
Chepurnov V.I., Radzhapov S.A., Dolgopolov M.V. et al. Efficiency determination problems for SiC*/Si microstructures and contact formation. Comp. Nanotechnol. 2021. Vol. 8. No. 3. Pp. 59–68. (In Rus.)
Ojha G.P., Kang G.W., Kuk Y.-S. et al. Silicon carbide nanostructures as potential carbide material for electrochemical supercapacitors: Review. Nanomaterials. 2023. No. 13 (1). P. 23.
Oishi M. Rechargeable solid-state SMD battery for IoT applications. EEPower Technical article. 2019. CeraCharge™ World’s first rechargeable solid-state SMD battery. Humanizing the Digital Experience: TDK Developers Conference 2018.
Yakimov E.B. Prediction of betavoltaic battery parameters. Energies. 2023. Vol. 16. No. 3740. P. 24.
Naseem M.B., Hong Soo Kim, Lee Ju. et al. Betavoltaic nuclear battery: Review of recent progress and challenges as an alternative energy source. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2023. No. 127 (16). Pp. 7565–7579.
Yudintsev V. Radiation resistant integrated circuits. Reliability in Space and on Earth. Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. 2007. No. 5(79). pp. 72-77. (In Rus.)
Chepurnov V.I., Dolgopolov M.V., Gurskaya A.V., Latukhina N.V. Method for obtaining a porous silicon carbide heterostructure layer on a silicon substrate. Patent for invention RU 2653398 C2, 05/08/2018. Application No. 2016129598 dated 07/19/2016.
Gurskaya A.V., Chepurnov V.I. et al. Theoretical aspects of direct conversion of radio-chemical energy in electric by radiation-stimulated SiC*/Si heterostructure. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022. Vol. 2155. P. 012014
Kolaikova O.I., Gurskaya A.V., Dolgopolov M.V. et al. Modeling of control equations for the technology of endotaxy of the 3C SiC/Si material, predicting it properties. In: International scientific conference “New materials and solar technologies”. Parkent, 2021. Pp. 97–99.
Anisimov N.S., Dolgopolov M.V., Kuznetsova A.A. et al. Investigation of solutions of equations of solid-phase diffusion with a beta source. In: Mathematical modeling and boundary value problems. Materials XI All-Russian scientific conference with international participation. In 2 vols. 2019. Pp. 208–212.
Chepurnov V.I., Dolgopolov M.V., Gurskaya A.V. et al. Radiation-doped SiC*/Si heterostructure formation and defects evolution. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022. Vol. 2155. P. 012012.
Chepurnov V., Puzyrnaya G., Gurskaya A. et al. Experimental investigation of semiconductor structures of the power source based on carbon-14. Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2019. No. 22 (3). Pp. 55–67. (In Rus.)
Kuznetsov O., Chepurnov V., Gurskaya A. et al. C-beta energy converter efficiency modeling. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2019. No. 222. P. 02012.
Kuznetsova A., Dolgopolov M., Gurskaya A. et al. Micro alloying of SiC by radioisotope. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2019. No. 222. P. 02013.
Gurskaya A.V., Chepurnov V.I., Puzyrnaya G.V. et al. Silicon Carbide 3C-SiC phase band structures calculation in DFT. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020. Vol. 1686. Issue 1. P. 012040.
Imamov E.Z., Muminov R.A., Rakhimov R.Kh. Analysis of the efficiency of a solar cell with nano-dimensional hetero transitions. Comp. Nanotechnol. 2021. Vol. 8. No. 4. Pp. 42–50.
Dolgopolov M.V., Elisov M.V., Rajapov S.A., Chipura A.S. Scaling models of electrical properties of photo- and beta-converters with nano-heterojunctions. Computational Nanotechnology. 2023. Vol. 10. No. 1. Pp. 138–146. (In Rus.)
Gurskaya A.V., Dolgopolov M.V., Elisov M.V. et al. Combined scaling of nanochip generators for betavoltaics. Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 2023. Vol. 20. No. 5. Pp. 1088–1093.
Gurskaya A.V., Dolgopolov M.V., Radzhapov S.A., Chepurnov V.I. Contacts for SiC nano-microwatt energy converters. Bulletin of Moscow University. Series: Physics. Astronomic. 2023. No. 1. P. 2310103. (In Rus.)
Mataré H. Defect electronics in semiconductors. Transl. from English. Moscow: Mir, 1974. 464 p.
Imamov E.Z., Muminov R.A., Rakhimov R.Kh. et al. Modeling of the electrical properties of a solar cell with many nano-hetero junctions. Comp. Nanotechnol. 2022. Vol. 9. No. 4. Pp. 70–77.
Muminov R.A., Imamov E.Z., Rakhimov R.Kh., Askarov M.A. Factors of efficient generation of electricity in a solar cell with nanohetero junctions. Computational Nanotechnology. 2023. Vol. 10. No. 1. Pp. 119–127.
Imamov E.Z., Muminov R.A., Askarov M.A. et al. Calculation of the number of transitions of current carriers forming the NGP – nanoheteroperation. International Scientific Conference “Trends in the development of condensed matter physics”. Ferghana, Uzbekistan. Pp. 57–59.
Marvin Tan Xing Haw. Power-scalable betavoltaic battery. UK Patent Journal Publication. 2012. No. GB2484028 (A).
Abanin I.E. Comparative analysis of power sources excited by various β isotopes. News of higher educational institutions. Electronics. 2016. Vol. 21. No. 5. Pp. 3–10.
Physics of semiconductor converters. A.N. Saurov, S.V. Bulyarsky (eds.). Moscow: RAN, 2018. 280 p.
Saurov A.N., Bulyarskiy S.V., Risovaniy V.D. et al. Nanostructured current sources based on carbon nanotubes excited by β radiation. Semiconductors. 2016. No. 50. Pp. 1744–1747.
Milnes A.G., Feucht D.L. Heterojunctions and metal-semiconductor junctions. A.A. Gippius (transl. from English). V.S. Vavilov (ed.). Moscow: Mir, 1975. 432 p.
Dolgopolov M.V., Elisov M.V., Rakhmankulov I.R. Modeling of semiconductor heterostructures for energy converters and sensors. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “New Materials and Solar Technologies”. Parkent, Uzbekistan, May 15–16, 2023. Parkent, 2023. Pp. 86–88.
Lebedev D.M., Shishkina D.A., Shishkin I.A. et al. Growth features of 3C-SiC/Si films made by HTCVD method. Information technologies and Nanotechnology (ITNT-2023): A collection of papers based on the materials of the IX International Conference and Youth School. Samara, April 17–23, 2023. Vol. 1. Samara: Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 2023. P. 12402.
Dolgopolov M.V., Bobrik A.L., Volovich I.V. et al. Mathematical physics: Problems and Solutions of The Students Training Contest Olympiad in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (May 21–24, 2010). Vol. 4. Spec. issue. “Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics”. Samara: Samara University Press, 2010. 84 p.
Khripunov V.I., Kurbatov D.K., Subbotin M.L. Source terms and carbon-14 production rates in power fusion reactors. Questions of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Thermonuclear Fusion. 2007. No. 2. Pp. 10–17.
Nebesnyi A.F., Nam I.V., Radzhapov S.A., Pindyurin Y.S. USB analyzer for nuclear radiation spectrometry. Instruments and techniques of the experiment. 2021. No. 2. Pp. 157–159. (In Rus.)
Bouzid F., Pezzimenti F., Dehimi L. Modelling and performance analysis of a GaN-based n/p-junction betavoltaic cell. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2020. No. 969. Pp. 164103.
Kavak Yürük R., Tütüncüler H. Theoretical investigation of high-efficiency GaN–Si heterojunction betavoltaic battery. Canadian Journal of Physics. 2019. No. 97. Pp. 1031–1038.
Kang T., Kim J., Park S.K. et al. Evaluation of a betavoltaic energy converter supporting scalable modular structure. ETRI Journal. 2019.No. 41 (2). Pp. 254–261.
Chipura A.S., Dolgopolov M.V. Modeling of nanoheterojunction betavoltaic cell on GaN and GaP with Si and 3C-SiC/Si. Vestnik of Samara University. Natural Science Series. 2023. Vol. 29. No. 4. Pp. 133–142. (In Rus.)
Dolgopolov M.V., Chepurnov V.I., Chipura A.S. et al. Scaling and activation of nanoheterojunctions on silicon and silicon carbide substrates. In: International Conference “Fundamental and Applied Problems of Modern Physics”. Tashkent, 2023. Pp. 88–92.
Xiaoyi Li, Jingbin Lu, Zhanguo Chen et al. 14C diamond as energy converting material in betavoltaic battery: A first principles study. AIP Advances. 2023. No. 13 (11). P. 115314.
Yingying Zhao, Chen Zhao, Haibin Li et al. New member of micro power sources for extreme environmental explorations: X-ray-voltaic batteries. Applied Energy. 2024. No. 353. P. 122103.
Yu Wang, Jingbin Lu, Renzhou Zheng et al. Theoretical study of a high-efficiency GaP–Si heterojunction betavoltaic cell compared with metal–Si Schottky barrier betavoltaic cell. AIP Advances. 2021. No. 11. P. 065110.
Elisov M.V. Self-organization dynamics of charge carrier concentration in semiconductors due to the charge injection. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023. Vol. 31. Iss. 5. Рp. 622–627. (In Rus.)
scaling, activated nano-heterojunction, semiconductor converter, analytical modeling, silicon carbide heterostructures, micro-alloying, energy efficiency, ionization currents and voltages, semiconductor microgenerators, formation of point charge defects.
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