( Pp. 51-54)

More about authors
Fedotov Alexey V. soiskatel
Institute of Socio-Political Studies of the Federal Research and Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The main modern trends in studying of civil society are analyzed on the basis of political analysis in this article. Starting from the classical definitions of civil society, as well as models of its relationship with the state, the author believes that they have largely influenced on the formation of two basic meanings of the category «civil society» which are found in modern philosophical, scientific literature, namely: theoretic-analytical and normative. In such a case, he gives special attention to heuristic potential of so-called «futuristic» approach to civil society, when, in the context of current globalization and resulting process of extensive digitalization of the system of public relations, contacts and dealings of civil society institutions of different countries of the modern world are being activated, transnational «civil» structures and «network society» are being formed.
How to Cite:
Fedotov A.V., (2019), REVISITING THE MODERN TRENDS IN STUDYING OF CIVIL SOCIETY. Sociopolitical Sciences, 6 => 51-54.
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state, civil society, communication, fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms, public authority, family, network society, system of public relations.

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