Problems of formation of the parliament as a political institute
( Pp. 22-31)

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Popova Aksana A. kandidat politicheskih nauk; nachalnik administrativnogo upravleniya
Volga State University of Water Transport
The article examines the issues of parliament as a political institution, the main purpose of which is the development and adoption of laws in the interests of the population and the state. At the same time, in addition to law-making, the parliament also performs other equally important functions, among which are representative, control and organizational. It should be noted that the representative function is a priority, because, firstly, it is implemented both through the legislative sphere and through other aspects of the parliament; secondly, representative powers compel us to consider the activity of parliament as a way to realize the collective right of the people to power; thirdly, representation as the central function of the parliament should be ensured in the daily activities of the latter and express the interests of the majority in society, and not just the parliamentary majority itself. The purpose of the study is to analyze scientific research materials and legal regulation of the parliament as the bearer of the supreme legislative power. It should be noted that the fundamental place of representative power is determined by the normative consolidation of the leading role of parliament, where representation is implemented in a very complicated legislative procedure, which is aimed at working out a compromise solution and is due to the removal of social tension and the legitimization of the state apparatus. At the same time, parliamentary law can be considered as a sufficiently formed and dynamically developing branch of law, which does not contradict its characterization as a sub-branch of constitutional law. Parliamentary law, along with suffrage and constitutional procedural law, develops in the fundamental system of constitutional law, and is one of its largest entities. At the same time, parliamentary law can be considered as a sufficiently formed and dynamically developing branch of law, which does not contradict its characterization as a sub-branch of constitutional law. Parliamentary law, along with suffrage and constitutional procedural law, develops in the fundamental system of constitutional law, and is one of its largest entities. Based on the research, the author comes to the conclusion that parliament as a political institution in Russia is one of the instruments for implementing the modern principles of a democratic rule of law with a federal structure and a republican form of government. The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation has real means to avoid concentration or usurpation of power in the hands of one body, group of persons or one person. These tools include both the general principles of the Federal Assembly (separation of powers, openness, legality, collegiality, etc.), and direct rights, duties of the houses of parliament (legislative, representative, control).
How to Cite:
Popova A.A., (2020), PROBLEMS OF FORMATION OF THE PARLIAMENT AS A POLITICAL INSTITUTE. Sociopolitical Sciences, 4 => 22-31.
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Supreme Council of the USSR, Council, Supreme Council of the RSFSR, Constitution of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Federation, Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Rules of Procedure of the Council of the Federation, political institute, parliamentary procedures, legislative process.

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