Protection of Rights and Freedoms as a Constitutional and Legal Category
( Pp. 181-188)

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Nikolaev Vladimir Alexandrovich aspirant kafedry konstitucionnogo prava imeni N.V.Vitruka Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta pravosudiya (g. Moskva). Konsultant otdela apparata Upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v Rossiyskoy Federacii.
Russian state university of justice
Moscow, Russia
The protection of human rights and freedoms is the most important constitutional and legal category, so it seems relevant in this paper to consider it as a multidimensional category. The purpose of the study is to examine the protection of human rights in conceptual and dogmatic terms. Objectives of the study: To analyze scientific views and forms (sources) of international and national law concerning the use of the category of protection of human rights. Conclusions: An analysis of scientific views on the understanding of the category of protection of human rights was carried out, and features of its mention in various forms (sources) of international and national law, including in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the constitutions ( charters) of the subjects of the Russian Federation were identified as well as its author’s understanding. Originality/value: An article can be useful for legal professionals and any specialist, which are interested in the problems of constitutional law.
How to Cite:
Nikolaev V.A., (2021), PROTECTION OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS AS A CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL CATEGORY. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 181-188.
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protection of human rights, guarantees of protection of human rights, ensuring implementation of human rights, Constitution of the Russian Federation, Constitutions (charters) of the subjects of the Russian Federation, legal protection, human rights activity.

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