Trends in Changes in Social Legislation in the Context of Coronavirus Infection
( Pp. 184-188)

More about authors
Zueva Nadezhda L. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk; docent kafedry trudovogo prava
Voronezh State University
Voronezh, Russian Federation
The recent outbreak of epidemic of a new coronavirus COVID-19 has divided without exaggeration the life of all the people on Earth into before and after the coronavirus. The medical coronavirus lockdown related to the non-spread of coronavirus infection has given the grave impact on the current economic relations and turned our traditional lifestyle at 180 degrees. These changes have affected, in varying degrees, all spheres of society and have caused the necessity for the urgent social and economic transformations and legislative consolidations of the new social relations, since it is the law that regulates these relations and it also provides the most important means of transformations in the economic, social and other spheres, it promotes settling and firmness of the social environment and, finally, taking into account its legal force, it determines the content of all other regulations. The article is examined the practical and theoretical questions of the social legislation changes against the coronavirus, as well as possible tendencies of its changes after the end of the coronavirus epidemic.
How to Cite:
Zueva N.L., (2021), TRENDS IN CHANGES IN SOCIAL LEGISLATION IN THE CONTEXT OF CORONAVIRUS INFECTION. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 5 => 184-188.
Reference list:
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Constitution of the Russian Federation, coronavirus infection, digitalization of legislation, non-declarative procedure for exercising rights, proactivity, system of interdepartmental communications, integrated national information system for social security, social benefits for families with children, extension of pension payments.

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