The Role of State Support for Small and Medium-sized Businesses in Ensuring Sustainable Regional Development
( Pp. 33-38)

More about authors
Sablukov Alexander V. Doctor of Sociology, Professor; Professor at the Department of Sociology
Moscow State Linguistic University
Moscow, Russian Federation Yeranosyan Vladimir M. Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor; associate professor at the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Danilova Milena R. intern researcher, Institute of Humanitarian Technologies and Social Engineering, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Moscow, Russian Federation
The purpose of this scientific work is to determine the role of state support for small and medium-sized enterprises in ensuring sustainable regional development. In the course of the study, existing areas of state support for small and medium-sized businesses were considered, among which guarantees, microloans, loans, subsidies, grants, budget investments were particularly noted. Within the framework of the work, topical problems of the functioning of small and medium-sized businesses were studied, which reflect the need to improve the economic and legal aspects of state support for this sector of the economy. In addition, the study identified the main aspects of the impact of state support on the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of sustainable regional development, the relationship between the phenomena under consideration was established. The directions of improving state support for small and medium-sized businesses in the context of sustainable regional development were proposed. Conclusions. The existing state support for small and medium-sized enterprises does not have a sufficient level of efficiency, while its increase is necessary not only from the position of direct assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises, but also from the position of ensuring sustainable development of the regions, since small and medium-sized enterprises act as one of the key sources of this development.
How to Cite:
Sablukov A.V., Yeranosyan V.M., Danilova M.R. The Role of State Support for Small and Medium-sized Businesses in Ensuring Sustainable Regional Development. Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023. Vol. 13. No. 3. Рр. 33–38. (In Rus.) DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2023-13-3-33-38. EDN: HEHUNY
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small and medium-sized entrepreneurship, government support, financing, grants, tax system, market economy, business sustainability.

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