Models and Sources of Financing for the Development of Sports Infrastructure
( Pp. 265-272)

More about authors
Grigoryeva Valentina V. Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation of the Faculty of «Higher School of Business»
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Yussuf Anastasia A. Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation, Faculty of Higher School of Business
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Physical culture and sports are one of the important branches of the social sphere, which is regulated by the state and financed from the budget system of the Russian Federation. Infrastructure provides opportunities for sports and plays an important role in the development of sports and physical culture. Modernization and construction of mass sports infrastructure in conditions of budget constraints requires an increase in the efficiency of investments carried out within the framework of targeted federal programs. The purpose of the study is to analyze and generalize existing models and sources of sports financing and sports infrastructure development in order to develop proposals for improving the model of sports infrastructure financing in Russia. A critical analysis of foreign and domestic scientific literature devoted to the problem of financing the development of mass sports and sports infrastructure was chosen as the research method. The analysis showed that the financing of the goals and objectives of the "sport for all" policy abroad is implemented within the framework of two models through local authorities and sports organizations of three types; each of them pursues different goals and objectives. As a result of the analysis, the most frequently used mechanisms and tools for financing the infrastructure of mass sports are identified. As a result of the study, recommendations for improving the model of financing sports infrastructure in Russia are proposed. The results of the analysis can be taken into account when developing state strategies and programs aimed at the development of sports infrastructure in terms of choosing optimal financing mechanisms for its development.
How to Cite:
Grigoryeva V.V., Yussuf A.A., (2021), MODELS AND SOURCES OF FINANCING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPORTS INFRASTRUCTURE. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 265-272.
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mass sports, physical culture, physical activity, infrastructure, financing, investments, foreign experience.

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