( Pp. 194-203)
More about authors
Ablayeva Elvira Bekbolatovna
kand. yurid. nauk, doktorant.
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russian Federation
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russian Federation
In this paper, the author discusses the main ideas of the founder of the doctrine of «rule of law» Albert Daisi. The study showed that the principle of «rule of law» is directly related to the administrative sphere of activity and to the judiciary. The rule of law principle has no specific definition and can therefore be represented in several variations. Three important and inextricably linked components are the content of the rule of law principle, each of which expresses the ideas of the law and, together, the concept of the rule of law. It is «the rule of law, legality and the rule of law». The rule of law is inconceivable without justice based on «the equality of all before the law and the courts». The rule of law principle is also based on the idea of the «rule of rights and freedoms» of the individual. In the concept of the rule of law plays a huge role the legislative activity of the Parliament and the law enforcement practice of the courts. The author's main conclusion is that the principle of «rule of law» does not contradict the ideas of the doctrine of «rule of law».
How to Cite:
Ablayeva E.B., (2018), ALBERT DAISI'S MAIN IDEAS ABOUT THE RULE OF LAW. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 1 => 194-203.
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the rule of law, the rule of law, the supremacy of the Constitution, parliamentary supremacy, law and order, judicial practice, judicial law-making, judicial precedent, the concept of Board rights, the concept of the legal state, management principle.
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