On some issues of dispute resolution related to the contract system
( Pp. 266-269)

More about authors
Orlov Anton D. aspirant kafedry Arbitrazhnogo processa
Saratov State Law Academy
The reason for writing this work was the discovery of procedural difficulties in courts when considering cases related to the contract system. The aim of the work was to analyze the existing regulatory and law enforcement framework on this issue, as well as to find ways to solve problems that arise in practice. When writing the work, the following methods were used: studying various sources of information to understand the main scientific and procedural trends that exist in this area, analyzing the information received in order to determine the main problems of the chosen topic, synthesizing information to consolidate the provisions of various sources of law. The conclusions of the work were proposals for amending the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of applying its provisions in law-making. The work is intended for use by practicing lawyers dealing with public procurement cases.
How to Cite:
Orlov A.D., (2020), ON SOME ISSUES OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION RELATED TO THE CONTRACT SYSTEM. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 266-269.
Reference list:
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contract system, arbitration process, register of unscrupulous suppliers.

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