Procurement and legal activities of Russia, China, Mongolia, Republic of Korea: financial and control aspect
( Pp. 175-183)

More about authors
Zinaida A. Konovalova Senior Lecturer
Komi Republican Academy of Public Service and Management
Syktyvkar, Russian Federation Myakhanova Alexandra N. docent kafedry ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii
Buryat State University Dondokova Maksara Yu. kandidat filologicheskih nauk, docent kafedry kitayskogo, vetnamskogo, tayskogo i laosskogo yazykov
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) Kovsh Andrey V. docent fakulteta mezhdunarodnyh otnosheniy
St. Petersburg State University Gunzynov Zhargal P. prepodavatel kafedry teorii i istorii prava i gosudarstva yuridicheskogo fakulteta
Buryat State University
The article examines the features of the legislative system of public procurement in the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, Mongolia and the Russian Federation. The key provisions of financial control are highlighted. The priorities of the state policy of these countries in the field of public procurement are noted. The legislation of these countries contains a number of provisions that can be taken into account when improving Russian legislation. So, the Chinese and Mongolian legislation, in contrast to the Russian, is more laconic, does not have a reference character, etc. Thus, the urgency of further conducting a comparative legal analysis of the legislation of the People's Republic of China, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation in the field of procurement is obvious. Purpose: To identify the distinguishing points in the conduct of financial control and the application of measures of responsibility for crimes in the implementation of procurement activities in the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and Mongolia. Conclusions obtained in the course of the study: The forms of financial control are indicated in the legislation of Russia and China, while they are absent in Mongolia. In the PRC and Mongolia, the types of violations and measures of responsibility for violations in the field of procurement are reflected in the legislation governing procurement activities, while in Russia the types of violations and measures of responsibility are specified in the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Also, in the domestic legislation and legislation of Mongolia, an incomplete list of terms is indicated, in contrast to the legislation of the PRC, etc.
How to Cite:
Zinaida A.K., Myakhanova A.N., Dondokova M.Y., Kovsh A.V., Gunzynov Z.P., (2021), PROCUREMENT AND LEGAL ACTIVITIES OF RUSSIA, CHINA, MONGOLIA, REPUBLIC OF KOREA: FINANCIAL AND CONTROL ASPECT. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 1 => 175-183.
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contract system, financial control, contract, requirements for procurement participants, terms of contract execution, liability measures, procurement crimes in the Russian Federation, procurement crimes in China.

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