Information technology as a phenomenon in the field of public procurement
( Pp. 80-84)

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Bondareva Elena Aleksandrovna aspirant kafedry administrativnogo i sluzhebnogo prava
South Russian Institute of Management - RANEPA branch
In the modern world, various forms of information and communication technologies, to one degree or another, have penetrated into all spheres of society and the state and have a significant impact on socio-economic, political and cultural life. The development of information technologies, with the support of the state, largely predetermines the activities and new approaches to administration and communication in the field of public procurement. The author investigates the problems of using information technologies in the field of public procurement as one of the means of achieving the efficiency of the entire system and the principles of the contract system in the field of procurement. Information and communication technologies are both a modern means of increasing the efficiency of public administration in the procurement of goods, works, services for public needs, and a means of increasing the openness and transparency of the activities of public authorities. It should also be noted that the use of the Internet and electronic tools in the contract system - the EIS, electronic trading platforms, allow to optimize information exchange, implement measures to ensure rapid interaction between procurement participants, create equal conditions for ensuring competition, taking into account the territory of Russia. The requirements of the legislation governing the field of public procurement on the “closed nature” of some public procurement imply the obligation of persons named by law to ensure the restriction of free access to this information and the responsibility of these persons. However, the principle of confidentiality is absent among the basic, initial provisions of the public procurement legislation. The author proposes to introduce this principle into the legislation, which will be the basis for the norms that allow determining the boundaries and volume of protected information, establishing the subjects responsible for the safety of information, as well as the degree of responsibility in case of violation of the principle. The establishment of this principle will allow the legislation on public procurement to provide effective measures to protect the system from digital attacks. The author considered the possibility of the emergence of digital rights.
How to Cite:
Bondareva E.A., (2021), INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AS A PHENOMENON IN THE FIELD OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 80-84.
Reference list:
Bogomolova M.N. Rol kommunikatsii v sovremennom grazhdanskom obshchestve // Gumanitarnye nauchnye issledovaniya. 2012. №9 Elektronnyy resurs .UR:
Kartskhiya A.A. TSifrovoe pravo kak budushchee rossiyskoy tsivilistiki // tsifrovoe-pravo-kak-buduschee-klassiche skoy-tsivilistiki-statya.
TSifrovoe pravo: Uchebnik / Pod obshch. red. V.V. Blazheeva, M.A. Egorovoy. M., 2020. S. 36.
SHmeleva M.V. O prave na informatsiyu pri osushchestvlenii tsifrovykh gosudarstvennykh i munitsipal nykh zakupok // Mezhdunarodnyy nauchno-prakticheskiy zhurnal Pravo i tsifrovaya ekonomika . 2020. N 1. S. 24-28.
contract system, public procurement, information and communication technologies, confidentiality, digital law.

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