( Pp. 94-97)
More about authors
Mikhailov Alexander Victorievich
kand. yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: generalnyy direktor, docent. Mesto raboty: OOO «Stroylizing HHI vek», «Akademiya truda i socialnyh otnosheniy». Podrazdelenie: kafedra trudovogo prava.
“Stroyleasing XXI” LLC; Academy of labour and social relations
“Stroyleasing XXI” LLC; Academy of labour and social relations
The author of the presented article proposes to establish scientifically grounded criteria for the differentiation of the legal regulation of labor protection in labor law. It is concluded that measures to improve labor protection legislation should be carried out by "looking back" at the norms of the legislation on health protection. By differentiating the norms aimed at protecting the health of the employee, the criteria for classifying the norms of labor law and related branches of law to the labor protection institution are defined.
How to Cite:
Mikhailov A.V., (2017), DIFFERENTIATION OF LEGAL NORMS ON LABOR PROTECTION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 2 => 94-97.
Reference list:
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Goloshchapov S.A. Pravovye voprosy okhrany truda v SSSR. M.: YUridicheskaya literatura, 1982.
Pankratov V.V. Pravo okhrany truda. Kratkiy kurs. Obshchaya chast . M.: Obrazovanie, 2005.
A.A.Sabitov. Usloviya truda: pravovoy aspekt. Dissertatsiya no soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata yuridicheskikh nauk. Omsk, 2011.
Skachkova G.S. Rasshirenie sfery deystviya trudovogo prava i differentsiatsiya ego norm. M.: Statut, 2004
SHevchenko O.A. Konstitutsionnoe pravo rabotnika na okhranu zdorov ya i okhranu truda (sootnoshenie ponyatiy). Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii Kutafinskie chteniya MGYUA imeni O.E. Kutafina Pravovaya politika: vyzovy sovremennosti . Sektsiya trudovogo prava i prava sotsial nogo obespecheniya. Sbornik tezisov/Otv. red. K.N.Gusov, sostav. O.A.SHevchenko. - M.: 2012.
the division of the standards Institute of occupational safety, health workers, responsibility for violations of safety standards, working conditions.
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