( Pp. 127-130)

More about authors
Kurbanov Rashad Afatovich d-r yurid. nauk, professor. Dolzhnost: direktor, zaveduyuschiy kafedroy. Mesto raboty: Institut pravovyh issledovaniy i regionalnoy integracii, Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy universitet im. G.V. Plehanova. Podrazdelenie: kafedra grazhdansko-pravovyh disciplin.
Research Institute of Legal Studies and Regional Integration, Russian University of Economics named after G.V.Plehanov Laletina Alla Sergeevna d-r yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: professor. Mesto raboty: Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy universitet im. G.V. Plehanova. Podrazdelenie: kafedra grazhdansko-pravovyh disciplin.
Russina university of Economics named after G.V.Plekhanov
The article examines the legal bases of cooperation of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation in the energy sphere undertaken by the two countries in the framework of the Union State of Belarus and Russia. The authors analyzed the agreements concluded by the countries-participants of the Union State in such energy sectors as oil and gas, power generation, renewable energy and nuclear power. In the context of the rapidly developing integration processes in the world and in Eurasian space, long-term experience of cooperation between Belarus and Russia is very relevant and can be used to implement the interactions between states in the framework of other regional associations.
How to Cite:
Kurbanov R.A., Laletina A.S., (2018), COOPERATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN THE ENERGY SPHERE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 127-130.
Reference list:
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The Federal government, Belarus, Russia, cooperation, the Eurasian space, the energy sector, oil, gas, electricity, renewable energy.

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