On the Issue of Assessing the Effectiveness of Budget Expenditures on Digitalization of the Public Administration System of the Region on the Example of the City of Moscow
( Pp. 208-214)
More about authors
Boris A. Kushnin
State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow» named after Yu. M. Luzhkov
Moscow, Russian Federation Sergey Yu. Popkov
Moscow Metropolitan Governance University
Moscow, Russian Federation Alexander R. Kalinin
Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»
Moscow, Russian Federation
State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow» named after Yu. M. Luzhkov
Moscow, Russian Federation Sergey Yu. Popkov
Moscow Metropolitan Governance University
Moscow, Russian Federation Alexander R. Kalinin
Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article examines the mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of state programs using the example of individual subprograms of the state program of the city of Moscow Development of the digital environment and innovation from the point of view of the applicability of the existing mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of regional budget expenditures on digitalization, identifying problem areas in the application of the presented mechanism in the context of the issue under consideration.
How to Cite:
Kushnin B. A., Popkov S. Yu., Kalinin A. R. On the Issue of Assessing the Effectiveness of Budget Expenditures on Digitalization of the Public Administration System of the Region on the Example of the City of Moscow // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2023. Vol. 19. № 6. P. 208-214. (in Russ.) EDN: UUDCCT
Reference list:
Alekseev V. N., Kushnin B. A., Suslov G. A. Incompleteness of Information and Tools to Overcome it in Project Activities in the Context of the Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2022. Vol. 18. № 3. P. 30-38. (in Russ.) EDN: ABJCBP
Astapov K.L., Musaev R.A., Malakhov A.A. Assessment of the effectiveness of budget spending policy // Financial journal. 2020. T. 12. № 6. S. 9-24. DOI: 10.31107/2075-1990-2020-6-9-24.
Biryukova E.R. The concept of «efficiency» in the field of public administration // Scientific notes of the Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky. Legal sciences. 2020. №1.
Kushnin B. A. The Mechanism of State Programs as a Tool of Financial Support of the Processes of Digitalization of the Public Administration System on the Example of the City of Moscow // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2023. Vol. 19. № 2. P. 278-283. (in Russ.) EDN: BWMFMW
Polikarpov M. D. Consideration of the concept of economic efficiency in modern conditions // Bulletin of Science. 2023. №5 (62).
Popkov S.Yu., Kushnin B.A. Development, implementation, financing and assessment of the effectiveness of state programs (using the example of the city of Moscow). (Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Graduate). Textbook // Moscow: Rusains, 2021. - 269 p. ISBN 978-5-4365-0095-9.
Rechkina E.A., Terekhov A.M., Popkova Zh.G. Comparative analysis of the efficiency of using budget funds at the regional level // Statistics and economics. 2023. №4.
Tikhonov R.A., Vyunov S.S. New approaches to assessing the effectiveness of spending budget allocations of the federal budget and extrabudgetary sources for R & D // Management of science and scientometrics. 2022. №1.
W.S. Yun. Assessment of Public Expenditure Efficiency: a Review // Journal of Economics and Sustainability (JES), 2020. Volume 2, Issue 2, 27 —URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343627457.
Astapov K.L., Musaev R.A., Malakhov A.A. Assessment of the effectiveness of budget spending policy // Financial journal. 2020. T. 12. № 6. S. 9-24. DOI: 10.31107/2075-1990-2020-6-9-24.
Biryukova E.R. The concept of «efficiency» in the field of public administration // Scientific notes of the Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky. Legal sciences. 2020. №1.
Kushnin B. A. The Mechanism of State Programs as a Tool of Financial Support of the Processes of Digitalization of the Public Administration System on the Example of the City of Moscow // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2023. Vol. 19. № 2. P. 278-283. (in Russ.) EDN: BWMFMW
Polikarpov M. D. Consideration of the concept of economic efficiency in modern conditions // Bulletin of Science. 2023. №5 (62).
Popkov S.Yu., Kushnin B.A. Development, implementation, financing and assessment of the effectiveness of state programs (using the example of the city of Moscow). (Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Graduate). Textbook // Moscow: Rusains, 2021. - 269 p. ISBN 978-5-4365-0095-9.
Rechkina E.A., Terekhov A.M., Popkova Zh.G. Comparative analysis of the efficiency of using budget funds at the regional level // Statistics and economics. 2023. №4.
Tikhonov R.A., Vyunov S.S. New approaches to assessing the effectiveness of spending budget allocations of the federal budget and extrabudgetary sources for R & D // Management of science and scientometrics. 2022. №1.
W.S. Yun. Assessment of Public Expenditure Efficiency: a Review // Journal of Economics and Sustainability (JES), 2020. Volume 2, Issue 2, 27 —URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343627457.
digitalization, government programs, financial support, efficiency of public spending, public administration..
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