Economic crime in the context of digitalization
( Pp. 155-156)
More about authors
Aline R. Manukyan
Cand.Sci. (Pedagogics), Associate Professor, Police Colonel; North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of ; SPIN-код: 5714-0236
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Nalchik
; Russia
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Nalchik
; Russia
A new stage in the development of mankind is the process of globalization of technology and the integration of innovative achievements in all spheres of society. The digital economy is a qualitatively new medicine and education, these are comfortable living conditions in cities, convenient digital services and public services. Along with the positive consequences, widespread digitalization can affect crime growth. Economic crime is an inseparable attribute of digitalization. The article analyzes the process of committing economic crimes in the context of digitalization. The author reveals some modern problems associated with the use of digital technology in the commission of economic crimes, which poses a threat to the economic security of the state. In this regard, methods are proposed to increase the efficiency of crime investigations in the economic sphere.
How to Cite:
Aline R.M., (2020), ECONOMIC CRIME IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALIZATION. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 1 => 155-156.
Reference list:
Sostoyanie prestupnosti v Rossii za yanvar -dekabr 2019 goda. URL: /sbornik 12 2019.pdf
Tolstolutskiy V.YU., Statuev A.A. O nekotorykh aspektakh yuridicheskogo soprovozhdeniya natsional noy bezopasnosti. Privolzhskiy nauchnyy vestnik. 2014. № 12-2 (40). S. 74-79.
Boytsova K.O. Sovershenstvovanie gosudarstvennoy politiki v tselyakh bor by s ekonomicheskimi prestupleniyami // Sbornik dokladov IX mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh. V 4 t. T. 2. / Sost. V.N. Roshchupkina, V.M. Uvarov i dr. . - Staryy Oskol, 2016. S. 81. (456).
Tolstolutskiy V.YU., Statuev A.A. O nekotorykh aspektakh yuridicheskogo soprovozhdeniya natsional noy bezopasnosti. Privolzhskiy nauchnyy vestnik. 2014. № 12-2 (40). S. 74-79.
Boytsova K.O. Sovershenstvovanie gosudarstvennoy politiki v tselyakh bor by s ekonomicheskimi prestupleniyami // Sbornik dokladov IX mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh. V 4 t. T. 2. / Sost. V.N. Roshchupkina, V.M. Uvarov i dr. . - Staryy Oskol, 2016. S. 81. (456).
economic crimes, digital technologies, digitalization.
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