( Pp. 18-23)

More about authors
Bolotova Ulyana V. kandidat filosofskih nauk, docent kafedry istorii i filosofii prava
North-Caucasus Federal University, Pyatigorsk branch Bondarenko Natalia G. doktor filosofskih nauk, professor, zaveduyuschaya kafedroy istorii i filosofii prava
North-Caucasus Federal University, Pyatigorsk branch Tolchinskaya Tatyana I. kandidat istoricheskih nauk, docent kafedry istorii i filosofii prava
North-Caucasus Federal University, Pyatigorsk branch
Article is devoted to consideration of a problem of the understanding, being by one of the eternal philosophical problems, aggravated as the importance of the given term for the philosophical theory, and its polysemy. The specific context understandings has been created in the end of the last century when understanding began to be opposed with an explanation or, at least, the given terms have ceased to be considered as synonymous. Special attention is given to different philosophical schools, in which the inadequacy of explanation and understanding is interpreted in different ways. The authors conclude that the allegation that the integrity and understanding, contains in an implicit form another statement. The meaning of this latent assertion that the explanation is piecemeal, fragmentary, or, at least, one-sided. This statement is based on a particular view of scientific theories, characteristic of some philosophical traditions, for example the Hegelian, Russian cosmism, dialectical materialism and all the others that are similar in how they interpreted the relation between philosophical and scientific knowledge.
How to Cite:
Bolotova U.V., Bondarenko N.G., Tolchinskaya T.I., (2017), PHILOSOPHICAL AND NON-PHILOSOPHICAL FORMS OF SOCIAL CRITICISM. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 18-23.
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