Current tendency of development of constitutionalism: from West to East
( Pp. 33-37)

More about authors
Logvinova Inna Vladimirovna Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate professor
Moscow Metropolitan Governance University
Moscow, Russia
The article is intended to determine the tendency of current constitutional development. Using formal-legal, systematic and comparative methods, the author considered the problem of the impact of the constitutional values, which emerged in western societies and received the universal importance, on the constitutional development in the Eastern countries. The novelty of the study is using modern sources of constitutional law. The concept of «the global constitutionalism» is considered critically in the article. At the same time, the author is of the opinion that modern constitutions became inherent in a state. Furthermore, the western constitutional values influenced largely the contents of the modern east constitutions. The Scale of such influence, along with its forms are different, depending not only on external but also on internal factors of the state development. As a result of the study, the conclusions are drawn regarding the features of the modern constitutionalism in East countries, some common features and differences in the constitutional development in different countries, which are traditionally assigned to the eastern type of civilization, explanations of the formalization of the constitutional process.
How to Cite:
Logvinova I.V., (2021), CURRENT TENDENCY OF DEVELOPMENT OF CONSTITUTIONALISM: FROM WEST TO EAST. Sociopolitical Sciences, 1 => 33-37.
Reference list:
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constitutionalism, state, human rights, constitution, international law, constitutional values.

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