Features of the intellectual rights protection at the present stage of a society development
( Pp. 63-67)

More about authors
Khrisanov V.A. d-r geogr. nauk, professor. Dolzhnost: professor.; Podrazdelenie: kafedra taktiko-specialnoy i ognevoy podgotovki.
Belgorod state university. Institute: Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia Mikhajlikov V.L. kand. yurid. nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: nachalnik kafedry.; Podrazdelenie: kafedra taktiko-specialnoy i ognevoy podgotovki.
Belgorod state university. Institute: Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia Tishhenko I.V. kand. yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: starshiy prepodavatel; Podrazdelenie: kafedra grazhdansko-pravovyh disciplin.
Belgorod state university. Institute: Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia Sviridov S.V. Podrazdelenie: fakultet zaochnogo obucheniya.
Belgorod state university. Institute: Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia
Authors consider positions of the law on creation and functioning of specialized judicial body - the Court by the intellectual rights which professionally and qualitatively would decide the disputes connected with an establishment, realization and protection of the intellectual rights. The necessity of its creation is connected not only with increasing efficiency of the protection of the rights and legal interests of citizens and juridical persons in this area, but also for strengthening of the Russian economy.
How to Cite:
Khrisanov V.., Mikhajlikov V.., Tishhenko I.., Sviridov S.., (2014), FEATURES OF THE INTELLECTUAL RIGHTS PROTECTION AT THE PRESENT STAGE OF A SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 63-67.
Reference list:
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intellectual property rights, The court for intellectual property rights, intellectual property protection.

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