Genesis of state property liability legal regulation connected with damage caused by illegal actions of public authorities and management bodies
( Pp. 28-32)

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Alexey P. Popov
Pyatigorsk State University
Pyatigorsk, Russia Maksimenko Anna Arturovna
The Pyatigorsk branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Polyakova Esma I.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
The article gives a detailed analyses of the legal mechanisms for the realization of property liability of public authorities and administrations from the royal period to the present. Having analysed the evolution of the establishment and development of the institution of reparation, damage as measures of civil liability of the State for non-contractual obligations, practical recommendations are made to improve this institution. The subject of the study is a retrospective analysis of the legal framework governing the institution of property liability of the State for damage caused by illegal actions of public authorities and management. This direction was studied by J. Shaw, I.B. Lee, H. Tobier. The aim of the study is to establish, on the basis of retrospective analysis of state property liability legal regulation connected with damage caused by illegal actions of public authorities and management bodies and to identify positive and negative trends of each period. The following methods were used in the analysis of the legal basis of the research institute in the historical aspect: historical-legal, formal legal method, methods of interpretation of law (functional, logical), legal analysis and prediction. Conclusions and significance: the use of the proposed theoretical recommendations will allow to determine the trends of formation of new approaches in the creation of a single public-legal mechanism regulating the investigated institute taking into account modern realities.
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Reference list:
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State property liability, treasury, harm caused, public law approach, illegal actions, non-contractual harm.

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