The Evolution of Commune on the Example Tings, Veche, and Early Period of English Parliament
( Pp. 163-170)
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Migunova Tatiana Leonidovna
Dr.Sci.(Law), Professor, Head of the Theory and History of State and Law Department, Institute of Management, Economics and Law
Volga State University of Water Transport
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Mineeva Tatiana Germanovna Dr. Sci.(Law), Professor of Theory and History of State and Law Department
Volga State University of Water Transport
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Tolstoluckiy Vladimir U. Dr. Sci. (Medical), Professor; The head of Department, Institute of Management, Economics and Law, department of Theory and History of State and Law
Volga State University of Water Transport
Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Volga State University of Water Transport
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Mineeva Tatiana Germanovna Dr. Sci.(Law), Professor of Theory and History of State and Law Department
Volga State University of Water Transport
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Tolstoluckiy Vladimir U. Dr. Sci. (Medical), Professor; The head of Department, Institute of Management, Economics and Law, department of Theory and History of State and Law
Volga State University of Water Transport
Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
The purpose of the research. The following article deals with analysis of existed in middle Ages authorities of popular agency- veche, tings, and also first English parliament. What is more, authors use the term «people`s authorities», which was introduced in the scientific parlance by D. M. Petrushevsky in order to underline the specific phase in the development of representative organs characteristic of north and northeast Europe. Our hypothesis is that commune was a significant attribute of statehood development in north and northeast Europe in middle Ages. With time it had been flagging and was replaced by royal power and state institutions. Chronologically this process was ongoing in various countries differently. According to subjective attitudes, fate of the direct people`s representative was bulging up not in the same way. While studying the problem the material of Icelandic sagas, Scandinavian king`s law, English parliament statutes, text of annals and treaties was used. Diversity of sources and its huge text let us use the comparative law analysis method and find out common and uncommon features in the process of developing direct people`s representative, its existence dynamic and historic fate.
How to Cite:
Migunova T.L., Mineeva T.G., Tolstoluckiy V.U., (2022), THE EVOLUTION OF COMMUNE ON THE EXAMPLE TINGS, VECHE, AND EARLY PERIOD OF ENGLISH PARLIAMENT. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 163-170.
Reference list:
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Mineeva T.G., Romanovskaya V.B. Parliament and royal power. England XIV - XV centuries. Lambert Academic Publishing. 2013
Nordisk Demokrati./ Red. Hal Koch, Alf Ross., Oslo: Natur och Kultur, Stockholm: Wcstermann, K benhavn: Halvorsen Larsen . 1949. 473 ss. S.VIII,IX.
Yanin V.L., Aleshkovsky M.H. The origin of Novgorod: (To the formulation of the problem) // History of the USSR. 1971 No. 2. pp. 56-60.
Martyshin O.V. Volny Novgorod: The socio-political system and the law of the feudal republic. - M.: Russian Law, 1992. 384 p.
Lukin P.V. Veche in the socio-political system of medieval Novgorod/Abstract for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences. M. 2014. 50 p.
Granberg Yu. Veche in Old Russian Written Sources: Functions and Terminology // The oldest states of Eastern Europe: Materials and Research 2004: Political Institutions of Ancient Russia / Ed. T.V. Gimon, E.A. Melnikova. - M.: Oriental Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006. pp. 151-217
Gorobenko A.T. The experience of the formation and development of democracy in the Novgorod Republic and Sweden of the XII-XIII centuries.//Bulletin of the University. Kutafina . 2018. No. 8. pp.134-138
people power, veche, tings, parliament, laws, election, Medieval Russia, England, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, the Faroes, Norway.
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