On the concept of forensic support for anti-corruption compliance
( Pp. 186-190)

More about authors
Sharshova Maria Leonidovna aspirant kafedry kriminalistiki Yuridicheskogo fakulteta
Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Moscow, Russia
Research objective. The article reveals the concept and history of anti-corruption compliance in Russia and in foreign countries, identifies and solves theoretical and applied problems of criminalistics support of anti-corruption compliance. The scope and scale of corruption-related crime in modern Russia, including such offences (crimes) in the field of entrepreneurship, continue to pose a threat to public and state security of the country. As a consequence, minimization of legal and reputational risks and risks of regulatory sanctions due to violation of anti-corruption rules and global business standards that can cause financial losses and liquidation of the company are in the foreground. In order to solve this problem it is necessary to build a system within the company that would include a corporate program for compliance with both national and foreign legislation and to implement it through the adoption of a compliance program. The compliance program is proposed by the regulator as a communicator between the state and business. This is evidenced by a number of legislative acts which regulate the relationship between the regulator and the business community on the anti-corruption compliance dimension. However, the compliance program is not effective in preventing corruption offences (crimes). Conclusions. As a result of the study, the author concludes that it is necessary to clarify the place of criminalistics means, techniques and methods in the organization and implementation of anti-corruption compliance, the role of technical criminalistics, tactical criminalistics and methodological criminalistics support of the specified activity.
How to Cite:
Sharshova M.L., (2021), ON THE CONCEPT OF FORENSIC SUPPORT FOR ANTI-CORRUPTION COMPLIANCE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 186-190.
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forensic science, anti-corruption compliance, prevention and counteraction to corruption offences.

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