MainAuthors Danelyan Rita S. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent, docent kafedry ugolovno-pravovyh disciplin yuridicheskogo instituta Moscow’s City Pedagogical University ARTICLES: Change of public danger and consequences of crimes in the economy sphere Business in Law — Issue №2 2014: 175-178 THE ACTUAL QUESTIONS OF QUALIFICATION OF CRIMES AGAINST SEXUAL INTEGRITY OF MINORS Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №6 2015: 107-110 PUNISHMENT IN THE FORM OF FORCED LABOR FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF INTERNATIONAL LABOR ACTS Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №1 2018: 126-128 SOME ISSUES OF LEGISLATIVE REGULATION OF THE ENFORCEMENT OF CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT - FORCED LABOR Economic Problems and Legal Practice — Issue №1 2018: 133-135