Denisov Alexey N.
Doctor of Engineering, Professor; Professor at the Department of Fire Tactics and Service (as part of the educational and scientific fire-fighting complex); State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia; Moscow, Russian
The management of alternatives of choosing in reference decisions making in fire extinguishing tactics
Computational Nanotechnology — Issue №4 2020: 39-47
Models and algorithms for the management of fire and rescue units in extinguishing fires at metallurgical enterprises when unloading raw materials from rolling stock
Computational Nanotechnology — Issue №1 2021: 59-67
Model and Algorithm for Risk Management of Firefighters’ Deaths During Fire Extinguishing at Metallurgical Enterprises
Computational Nanotechnology — Issue №3 2021: 76-85
Multi-task Conditions for the Management of Fire and Rescue Units During Rolling Stock Extinguishing at Metallurgical Enterprises
Computational Nanotechnology — Issue №1 2022: 39-46
Modeling of the Choice of Solutions to Management Tasks when Extinguishing a Fire in Underground Structures
Computational Nanotechnology — Issue №3 2023: 72-82