The management of alternatives of choosing in reference decisions making in fire extinguishing tactics
( Pp. 39-47)
More about authors
Anikin Sergei N.
postgraduate at the Department of Fire Tactics and Service (as part of the educational and scientific fire-fighting complex),
State Fire Academy of Emercom of Russia
Moscow, Russian Federation Danilov Mikhail M. Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor; associate professor at the Department of Fire Tactics and Service (as part of the educational and scientific fire-fighting complex); State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia; Moscow, Russian Denisov Alexey N. Doctor of Engineering, Professor; Professor at the Department of Fire Tactics and Service (as part of the educational and scientific fire-fighting complex); State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia; Moscow, Russian
State Fire Academy of Emercom of Russia
Moscow, Russian Federation Danilov Mikhail M. Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor; associate professor at the Department of Fire Tactics and Service (as part of the educational and scientific fire-fighting complex); State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia; Moscow, Russian Denisov Alexey N. Doctor of Engineering, Professor; Professor at the Department of Fire Tactics and Service (as part of the educational and scientific fire-fighting complex); State Fire Academy of EMERCOM of Russia; Moscow, Russian
The purpose of research. The article discusses the procedure for finding alternatives to a management solution based on weighted boundary conditions of firefighting, taking into account deviations in firefighting tactics. The purpose of the research is the substantiate the possibility of making reference decisions on fire extinguishing based on the analysis of alternatives of the choice of the reference decisions in the tactics of fire extinguishing. This is necessary to determine the main directions of development of the control system of fire and rescue units in the context of the development of ongoing changes in the modern mechanism of regulation in the field of fire safety within the competence of the participants in extinguishing the fire, who makes these reference decisions. Results. The result of the research shows the authors came to the conclusion that the system of making reference decisions in firefighting reflects the classical principle of minimizing empirical risk for a finite set of alternatives by the operational management in decision-making. In the task of making reference decisions depending on the boundary conditions, the fire extinguishing manager needs to find an unknown set of alternatives in achieving the main task. The authors conclude that the empirical risk function that occurs for each alternative from the set of fire-fighting boundary conditions is determined for the assessment, and the desired values should minimize this function. Deviations in the boundary conditions of fire extinguishing were considered here. In this case, the amount of distortion of the empirical risk function depends on the values of distortions in the empirical distribution of losses of the reference solution of fire extinguishing. If there are a lot of distortions, and they are large, minimizing such an empirical risk function will lead to a distortion of the desired conditions for choosing a management decision. To do this, you should resort to the class of M-means, which include almost all well-known functions for calculating the average value of the alternative to choosing a management decision when managing the actions of fire and rescue units.
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Reference list:
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Mullakhmetov KH.SH. Upravlencheskiy kontrol v sovremennykh usloviyakh: teoreticheskie aspekty // Vestnik UGNTU. Nauka, obrazovanie, ekonomika. Seriya: Ekonomika. 2016. № 2 (16).
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Prikaz MCHS Rossii ot 16.10.2017 № 444 (red. ot 28.02.2020) Ob utverzhdenii Boevogo ustava podrazdeleniy pozharnoy okhrany, opredelyayushchego poryadok organizatsii tusheniya pozharov i provedeniya avariyno-spasatel nykh rabot (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste Rossii 20.02.2018 № 50100).
Terminy MCHS Boevoy ustav pozharnoy okhrany. URL:
Smirnova A.A., Talashova A.A. Sistema sovetskogo zakonodatel stva o pozharnoy bezopasnosti (po materialam boevykh ustavov pozharnoy okhrany 1937, 1940, 1953, 1970 gg.) // Nauchno-analiticheskiy zhurnal Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta Gosudarstvennoy protivopozharnoy sluzhby MCHS Rossii . 2016. № 1.
Lund E.E., Fedotov P.A. Pozharnaya taktika. Pravila tusheniya pozharov v voprosakh i otvetakh: prakticheskoe nastavlenie brandmeysteram, 1818.
Pozharnyy ustav Rossiyskoy imperii ot 1832 g.
Pozharnyy ustav Rossiyskoy imperii ot 1857 g.
Boevoy ustav pozharnoy okhrany i Ustav vnutrenney sluzhby v pozharnoy okhrane, vvedennye Prikazom NKVD 1940 g.
Boevoy ustav pozharnoy okhrany1953 g. (Prikaz MVD SSSR ot 28 oktyabrya 1953 g.).
Redaktsiya Pozharnogo ustava 1857 goda.
Boevoy ustav pozharnoy okhrany 1970 g. (Prikaz MVD SSSR ot 9 noyabrya 1970 g. № 380 Ob utverzhdenii i vvedenii v deystvie Boevogo ustava pozharnoy okhrany ).
Boevoy ustav pozharnoy okhrany 1985 g. (Prikaz MVD SSSR ot 1 noyabrya 1985 g. № 211 Ob utverzhdenii i vvedenii v deystvie Boevogo ustava pozharnoy okhrany ).
Boevoy ustav pozharnoy okhrany 1995 g. (prilozhenie № 2 k Prikazu MVD RF ot 5 iyulya 1995 g. № 257 Ob utverzhdenii normativnykh pravovykh aktov v oblasti organizatsii deyatel nosti GPS ).
Prikaz MCHS RF ot 31.03.2011 № 156 Ob utverzhdenii Poryadka tusheniya pozharov podrazdeleniyami pozharnoy okhrany (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste RF 09.06.2011 № 20970).
Proekt Boevogo ustava pozharnoy okhrany. M.: Gostranstekhizdat: Glavnoe upravlenie Pozharnoy okhrany NKVD SSSR, 1937. 127 c.
Pis mo MCHS Rossii ot 22 iyulya 2020 goda № 91-136-12 O priznanii utrativshimi silu dokumentov MCHS Rossii .
Danilova M.A., Danilov M.M., Denisov A.N. i dr. Model operativnogo upravleniya v prinyatii opornykh resheniy s uchetom optimal nosti // Pozhary i chrezvychaynye situatsii: predotvrashchenie, likvidatsiya. 2018. № 3. S. 94-101. DOI: 10.25257/FE.2018.3.94-101.
Koshmarov YU.A. Prognozirovanie opasnykh faktorov pozhara v pomeshchenii: ucheb. posobie. M.: Akademiya GPS MVD Rossii, 2000. 118 c.
GOST 12.1.004-91 Sistema standartov bezopasnosti truda (SSBT). Pozharnaya bezopasnost . Obshchie trebovaniya (s Izmeneniem № 1).
Podrezova A.I., Lovchikov V.A., Motorygin YU.D., Peshkov I.A. Modelirovanie protsessov razvitiya goreniya pozharnoy nagruzki s pomoshch yu konechnykh tsepey Markova // Vestnik VGTU. 2011. № 3.
Kel bert M.YA., Sukhov YU.M. Veroyatnost i statistika v primerakh i zadachakh. T. II: Markovskie tsepi kak otpravnaya tochka teorii sluchaynykh protsessov i ikh prilozheniya. M.: MTSNMO, 2010. 295 c. ISBN 978-5-94057-252-7.
Markov A.A. Rasprostranenie zakona bol shikh chisel na velichiny, zavisyashchie drug ot druga // Izvestiya fiziko-matematicheskogo obshchestva pri Kazanskom universitete. 1906. 2-ya seriya. T. 15. S. 135-156.
Kornfel d I.P., Sinay YA.G., Fomin S.V. Ergodicheskaya teoriya. M.: Nauka, 1980. 384 c.
Orlov A.I. Teoriya ekspertnykh otsenok v nashey strane // Nauchnyy zhurnal KubGAU. 2013. № 93.
Guz I.S. Minimizatsiya empiricheskogo riska pri postroenii monotonnykh kompozitsiy klassifikatorov // Trudy MFTI. 2011. № 3.
Vapnik V. The nature of statistical learning theory. Information science and statistics. Springer-Verlag, 2000.
Gill F., Myurrey U., Rayt M. Prakticheskaya optimizatsiya. M.: Mir, 1985. 509 c.
Prinyatie resheniy rukovoditelem tusheniya pozhara: ucheb.-metod. posobie po vypolneniyu kontrol noy raboty po distsipline Upravlenie silami i sredstvami pozharnykh podrazdeleniy pri tushenii pozhara / S.V. Gundar, A.N. Grigor ev, M.M. Danilov, A.N. Denisov, V.B. Zakharevskiy, K.S. Vlasov. M.: Akademiya GPS MCHS Rossii, 2017. 59 c.
Matsuk A. Problemy likvidatsii pozharov, voznikayushchikh na granitsakh zon tusheniya // Algoritm bezopasnosti. 2011. № 5. S. 34-36.
Porowski R., Ku nicki Z., Ma ozi D., Dziechciarz A. Determination of toxicity in combustion products - state of the art // CNBOP-PIB. 2018. № 4.
Ivannikov V.P., Klyus P.P. Spravochnik rukovoditelya tusheniya pozhara. M.: Stroyizdat, 1987. 288 c.: il.
Povzik YA.S. Spravochnik rukovoditelya tusheniya pozhara. M.: ZAO Spetstekhnika . 2004.
alternative of choice, fire control, tactical actions, deviations in extinguishing.