( Pp. 24-28)

More about authors
Bolotova Ulyana V. kandidat filosofskih nauk, docent kafedry istorii i filosofii prava
North-Caucasus Federal University, Pyatigorsk branch Bondarenko Natalia G. doktor filosofskih nauk, professor, zaveduyuschaya kafedroy istorii i filosofii prava
North-Caucasus Federal University, Pyatigorsk branch
In the article, in the framework of social-philosophical analysis, the issue of new knowledge, new understanding of the world and a new level of freedom from delusions. The scientific revolution led to the desacralization of concept "modern", opening new opportunities for critical thinking. The problem of modernity appeared as a response to the idea of infinity, of inexhaustible and irreversible progress. Its peak reaches identification of culture, knowledge with the idea of economic progress, economic relations and relations; it leads to actual identification. The conceptual core of the idea of modernity becomes a universalist idea of laws of history, deterministic vision of the laws of development. Convincingly, the authors' position on the theory of modernization, which revealed diverse and contradictory processes that arise in the General direction of change, differentiation of societies, which is manifested in the course of modernization, as well as the place and role of each component of social regulation, including sociocultural aspects.
How to Cite:
Bolotova U.V., Bondarenko N.G., (2017), MODERNIZATION OF SOCIAL BEING. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 24-28.
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