Russian Gas Import in the Germany Socio-Political Discourse
( Pp. 98-104)

More about authors
Katalkina Natalija A. Cand. Sci. (Philol.); associate professor at the International Relations Higher School
Peter the Great State Polytechnic University
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Bogdanova Nadezhda V.
The purpose of the research. This paper determines the importance of Russian gas imports for the German economy at the present stage, and also analyzes the assessment of Russian-German energy cooperation by German political leaders and the German media. Analysis of statistical information for 2019-2022 shows that the import of Russian gas is not only vital for Germany, but also an economically profitable enterprise. Replacement of Russian gas with other, in particular, renewable energy sources is not expected in the near future. Results. Based on the analysis of the assessment of Russian-German cooperation in the field of gas supplies in the socio-political discourse of Germany, it can be concluded that there is no consensus on this issue among representatives of the German political elites and the media. As a result, we can conclude that Russian-German energy cooperation at the present stage is developing according to the laws of political rivalry, which is detrimental to the economy of both states.
How to Cite:
Katalkina N.A., Bogdanova N.V., (2022), RUSSIAN GAS IMPORT IN THE GERMANY SOCIO-POLITICAL DISCOURSE. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 98-104.
Reference list:
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gas imports, Russian Federation, Federal Republic of Germany, socio-political discourse, economics, political rivalry.

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