Bogdanova Nadezhda V.
Cand. Sci. (Pedag.); associate professor, International Relations Higher School, Humanitarian Institute; Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Russian Gas Import in the Germany Socio-Political Discourse
Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №3 2022: 98-104
The Global Strategy of the European Union in Foreign and Security Policy for the Period 2000-2010 Years
Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №5 2022: 104-110
The Defining Role of the GDR Heritage in German Identity
Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №3 2023: 133-137
Arctic Vector of German Foreign Policy
Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №1 2024: 76-82
Политика стран БРИКС в области цифровизации образования: цифровизация как основа современного диалога культур
Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №6 2024: 114-120