Formation of actual technological trends in the organization of charity activities
( Pp. 43-47)

More about authors
Alekseev V. N. doktor istoricheskih nauk, kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, professor, Zasluzhennyy ekonomist Rossiyskoy Federacii
Moscow Metropolitan Governance University Zakharchenko I. S.
Moscow Metropolitan Governance University Guzov V. A.
Moscow Metropolitan Governance University
Charity has been, is and will be one of the most important and most priority areas of social and economic activity of Russian society. However, in order for this sphere to continue to develop, it is necessary to review approaches to conducting charity, taking into account the current social and technological agenda. The purpose of the study: to examine the architecture and principles of Blockchain technology, as well as its application in various spheres of society. Consider foreign and domestic experience in applying technology in the charitable sphere. Using Blockchain technology, you can track any transactions in real time through a chain of interconnected blocks. Innovative and very significant for modern society technology has already proven the effectiveness of its implementation and use not only in the financial sector, but also in charity on the world stage. The charitable sphere in Russia is currently undergoing major changes. This situation provides opportunities for the introduction of unique technologies for subsequent digitalization and the acquisition of consistency and transparency. The growing interest of the commercial sector in charity confirms the need for new approaches and the emergence of unique system-forming projects in the field of charity. The socially-oriented project «DobroMos», thanks to its technological basis and internal philosophy, brings an innovative approach to the charitable sphere - a systematic approach. Consistency allows us to consistently provide charitable support, as well as develop and expand the entire charitable sphere. Thanks to the use of Blockchain technology, the «DobroMos» project opens the charity sector for anyone. Having a basis of consistency and transparency, the donator will have no doubt that his donations will be distributed and used in good faith.
How to Cite:
Alekseev V.N., Zakharchenko I.S., Guzov V.A., (2020), FORMATION OF ACTUAL TECHNOLOGICAL TRENDS IN THE ORGANIZATION OF CHARITY ACTIVITIES. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 43-47.
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